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There are two reasons for this. 1) when a company does well financially, it pays a dividend to its shareholders. 2) they hope that the price of the share will rise and they can make money when they sell them

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Q: Why do people by shares in companies?
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In what two ways do security markets provide liquidity?

Security markets provide liquidity to companies through shares and corporate bonds. When people buy shares, the companies can use those as capital to expand various ventures.

Differences in public limited companies and private limited companies in India?

Public Limited Comapnies have widely held ownership ( Shares) They have unlimited liability and PVT LTD companies have limited no of People who have the shares of the company (1 - 24 persons), the ownership of the company is limited and hence the liability is also limited.

What are the differences between limited liability company and cooperatives on the basis of shares?

Co operative companies give shares to their workers, so as you work for the company, shares are given out. Sometimes these companies will give more shares the longer you work for them. Limited liability companies issue shares either on the sotck market, where anyone can buy them, or to those inside the company themselves.

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to earn profits

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What are mutual fund shares?

Mutual fund shares are stocks of mutual funds, fractions of mutual funds just as companies have shares.

What is redeemable shares?

These are special shares that you get with ordinary shares from some companies, which they buy back off you at a price instead of paying a dividend.

Why do stocks sell shares?

Stocks don't sell shares, companies do. They do do to generate funds in IPOs.

Where would a starting trader go for trading shares?

A starting trader would go for trading shares by visiting companies that deal with trading shares. Companies, such as cityindex, onetwotrade and others to find out information on how a trader, who is just starting should get trading shares.

Can New company issue share at discount?

Most of the time, the new companies will offer their shares at discount prices. There is no law that governs/controls the prices at which the company can offer their shares to people for sale.

Stock market classification of equity shares?

Classification of equity shares in the stock marketIn the stock market, equity shares are classified into the following categories:1. Bluechip shares. These are shares of large, well-established and financially sound companies, e.g. Reliance, Larson & Toubro, Asian paints, and Infosys, which have an impressive record of earnings and dividend payments. Such shares yield a low-to-moderate current yield and moderate-to-high capital gains yield. Moreover, the price fluctuations also will be moderate.2. Growth shares. These are shares of those companies which have a secured position in the market and enjoy an above average rate of growth and profitability. Growth shares generally provide a very low current yield and a very high capital gain yield. Very often growth shares are also bluechip shares.3. Income share. The shares of companies that have fairly stable operations with relatively limited growth opportunities are income shares. Such shares provide a very high current yield and a very low capital gains yield. Such shares are fairly stable in the market. E.g. shares of power supply companies and tea companies.4. Defensive shares. These are shares of companies that are relatively unaffected by the ups and downs in general business conditions. Generally, such shares provide moderate current yield and moderate capital gain yield. The price of these shares is relatively stable, e.g. shares of food and beverage companies.5. Speculative shares. Those shares which tend to fluctuate mainly because of speculative trading in them are speculative shares.