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Governments collect taxes to be able to afford programs and a system of defense.

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Q: Why do governments collect taxes?
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Do state governments collect taxes?

Yes they do.

How do governments collect taxes?

They just harass you if you don't pay it on your own.

Why do governments make war?

its the only way they can collect taxes, with war

Shared by the state and federal governments?

There are some powers, known as concurrent powers, that are shared between state and federal governments. For example, both governments can collect taxes and enact laws.

Both the national and the state governments have the power to collect taxes and to borrow money. These are a good example of which of the following?

to be smarter

Both the national and the state governments have the power to collect taxes and to borrow money These are a good example of what?

Concurrent powers

What does power to lay and collect taxes mean?

To lay and collect taxes is to impose a specific amount the taxes are, and to collect taxes is to literally collect the taxes from people.

Who has the powers to lay and collect taxes duties imposts and excises?

both national and state governments

What are the sources of tax?

Any government body can levy taxes. The federal government, as well as state and local governments have the power to levy and collect taxes to support government programs.

What did the chief treasurers of ancient Egypt do?

they collect taxes like now and look after riches.

Which of the following powers is shared by state and national governments?

The question is incomplete. No options are given (for which of the following) to answer the question.

Which branch of government collects taxes?

executive most likely