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incase people will pay back

ability to pay back

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Q: Why bankers require collateral from borrowers?
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How is Grameen Bank different from other banks?

Grameen Bank is different because it is based on trust. The bank doesn't require any collateral from it's borrowers, nor does it take any borrower to court for non-payment.

Why does periods of low interest rates create jobs?

It can, if two additional conditions exist. 1)Banks have to be willing to lend the money, and at a low interest rate. 2)Companies have to see that demand for their products exceed their capacity to produce the product, so they will borrow to expand their manufacturing capacity and make money. This creates more jobs. Right now banks aren't lending , and consumers demand doesn't justify borrowing to expand capacity. The question is how do we get people buying and how do we get bankers lending. The answer is banks need borrowers with collateral. There are few borrowers with collateral . How do we get people buying? Wages need to increase.

What are mortgage analytics professionals and bankers saying about the new financial reform bill?

According to mortgage analytics firm Heitman Analytics, mortgage bankers are calling for tight federal monitoring. But others don't think any legislation can change the behavior of lenders and borrowers.

How does an unanticipated decline in the price level cause a drop in lending?

An unanticipated decline in the price level can lead to deflation, decreasing the value of collateral that borrowers provide for loans. As the value of collateral drops, lenders may become more risk-averse, leading to a decrease in lending activity due to concerns about the ability of borrowers to repay their loans. Additionally, deflation can also dampen economic activity, reducing the demand for loans from businesses and individuals.

What is meant when bankers and investors use the words student loan consolidation interest rate?

When bankers and investors use the term "student loan consolidation interest rate," they are referring to the interest rate that borrowers will be charged when they consolidate their student loans. Student loan consolidation allows borrowers to combine multiple loans into a single loan with a new interest rate, typically based on the weighted average of the interest rates of the loans being consolidated.

Do I have to put up collateral to obtain a small business loan?

Not necessarily. If you have very good credit, and your business has shown growth and potential, then the bank may not require you to put up collateral.

What are car title loans?

Car title loans are short-term, high-interest loans where borrowers use their vehicle's title as collateral. The lender holds the title until the loan is repaid. Borrowers can typically access a percentage of their car's value. These loans often have steep interest rates and can lead to repossession if not repaid on time.

How can one apply for loans with an adverse credit?

Getting a loan with adverse credit can be difficult. Often borrowers with poor credit have higher interest rates and have to pay more throughout the life of the loan than borrowers with good credit. Visiting credit unions and using collateral are a few ways the borrower with adverse credit may find to get a loan.

Does one need collateral security or guarantor while applying for auto loan?

Most companies do not require collateral or a gurantor when appying for a loan. However, depending on someones credit worthiness this may not be true.

Getting a Low Interest Rate for an Auto Loan?

Interest rates for auto loans will vary from lender to lender so savvy borrowers should check with multiple lenders before choosing who to borrow from. Lenders base the interests rates they offer their borrowers on factors such as the borrowers' credit report score, income and collateral. Borrowers who are clearly in a position to afford the vehicles they are purchasing and who have credit history that puts them in good standing will be able to secure low interest rates for their auto loans, especially when they carefully consider the rates offered by different lenders before selecting their loan provider.

What can one do at a pawnbroker?

At a pawnbroker, one can get a secured loan in exchange for one's personal property which is used as a collateral. A pawnbroker can be an individual or business that lends money while holding the borrowers personal belongings, and there is usually high interest on such loans.

Who is the author of the borrowers?

Mary Norton wrote The Borrowers.