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tax cridits are fery importat for the country but tax didiution is not more than tax cridits

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Q: Why are tax credits more advantageous than tax deductions?
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Would it be advantageous to borrow money if you expected prices to rise?

If you expect prices to rise when borrowing money it depends on if the interest rate is smaller than the rate of inflation. If the interest rate is smaller than it could be advantageous.

When would a no faxing cash advance be advantageous?

A "no faxing" cash advance would be advantageous to an individual who is attempting to obtain a cash advance within a limited time frame. This options is typically quicker than obtaining a traditional cash advance.

What does it mean by being In the red?

Positive numbers (credits) are denoted in black, and negative numbers (debits) are denoted in red. Being in the red means there is more debt than "cash on hand" and you are operating at a deficit.

What is a credit system?

#system" has each player beginning each game with 30 credits. The winner automatically earns 10 credits, plus 1 credit for each 10pt. of point spread (rounded off). The loser subtracts 1 credit from his or her original 30 for each 10pt. of spread. Arbitrarily, no more than 60 credits nor fewer than 10 credits can be earned. ... Beings entering Babylon 5 are given a credit chit. Any currency held by the being is converted to current Earth-value credits according to the currency exchange rate. This is usually accomplished at Exchange Machines located conveniently throughout the station. ... a system for allowing people to purchase things on credit

Why is corporation is more advantageous than partnership?

A corporation is more advantageous than a partnership because a corporation can be located in a US State such as Delaware that has no corporate income taxes. As a corporation shares may be sold to the public to raise funds. Corporations avoid the problems associated with partnerships in that the latter is not reliant upon a set of individuals to function and avoids the problems associated with the death of a key partner. Key partner insurance can be obtained but at a cost that reduces the profitability of the organization. Corporations also can absorb lawsuits without endangering the personal liability of the share holders. A partnership is subject to lawsuits that directly hold individual partners monetary damages. Also the name of a corporation is more easily sold along with its assets should the shareholders wish to sell the business.

Related questions

What is the maximun credits you can earn at oycp?

No more than 10 credits.

Is globe more advantageous than map?

Globes will give a more accurate representation.

Can you get credits from other people on Poptropica?

No. There is no way to trade credits on Poptropica. You can have more than one username, and earn more credits that way, but they cannot be transferred to other usernames.

Can you exchange credits in poptropica?

No. Each username can only earn and spend its own credits. You can have more than one username, but you cannot combine credits.

Why is it advantageous for predators to learn the courtship signals of their prey?

It means there are more than one of that animal

How many hours are needed to become a sophomore in college?

Freshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and aboveFreshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and aboveFreshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and aboveFreshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and aboveFreshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and aboveFreshman - fewer than 30 credits Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits Junior - 60 to 89 credits Senior - 90 credits and above

If you beat Reality TV Island more than once do you get more credits?

no, you don't.

Why is nuclear energy that provide electricity is more advantageous than the use of energy from fossil fuel?

precision and quality

How is it advantageous for the female pelvis to be more broader and more shallow than that of a male?

These adaptions facilitate the birthing process during vaginal delivery.

Credits for jr. status?

* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above* Freshman - fewer than 30 credits * Sophomore - 30 to 59 credits * Junior - 60 to 89 credits * Senior - 90 credits and above

Is more credits better than less credits in college?

The most important issue is the amount of credits it will take to complete a specific program of study that leads to your overall career goals and objectives.

What is a s corporation?

An S corporation is one that passes corporate income, losses, deductions, and credits to it's shareholders. The shareholders then list these ups and downs on their personal income tax returns and are assessed as individuals rather than a company.