He sees money as proof of success
A lot of obsessions fall under the category of OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
The banks loan people money because it is how banks earn money. The bank will loan out the money to people, and the people will have to pay back with interests so the bank will be making money by just loaning people money. That is why the banks owners get so rich. They will loan out money to a lot of people and they will put a high interest. When they get the money back, they will earn money without even doing any work.
Most people keep their money in banks.
he scamed people to get their money of them
Most people today are obsessed with money and power.
Obsessed grossed $71,881,032 worldwide.
There are many people who are obsessed with their boyfriend. Not all people are going to be obsessed with their boyfriends though.
Obsessed grossed $68,261,644 in the domestic market.
Yes, many people is obsessed with sex
He sees money as proof of success
Obsessed, perhaps..? Rich! Filthy Stinking Rich I tell ya!
Because people are obsessed with perfection. Obsessed.
Mr. Krabs is obsessed with money.
this is very self-explanatory! it means that is people is obsessed with money then they will do everything no matter how bad it is just to get it!!