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Because we have people who love to control other people. It has been happening since the dawn of mankind emerged from the cess pool.

Because we have people who horde large amount of money and refuse to spend it is another.

Because we live in a world were education is so very lacking that our children will never grow up with the knowledge that they should have before even entering middle school.

Because no one in the world is willing to sacrifice for anyone else. Everyone has this high sense of self that one is so much greater than the rest, so any "hard earned" product should require a "hard earned" price.

Now how hard is it to produce a little bit of food for the entire world? Not hard at all.. if a couple of people can produce enough food for a nation, then I am sure we could get enough people to make food, AND STOP WASTING SO MUCH OF IT!

Because their isn't enough land to allow for such developments? No.. because people don't care about one another enough to even INVEST in housing and population control and development.

Because no one cares about anyone else and we all want to help ourselves before helping others.

SELF includes anyone of your own blood lineage.

Is because we as a world would not be able to comprehend a world were we could go to the grocery store grab enough food to eat and then leave.

Because we cannot even imagine a world, where you could go to a central housing office and get assigned a living quarters home that is up to a social standard of living.

I could go on for days why the things in this world are not free. But the one main reason above all reasons...


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