There could be several reasons why your credit card payment hasn't posted yet. It may take a few days for the payment to process and show up on your account. Additionally, there could be delays due to weekends, holidays, or technical issues. It's best to contact your credit card company to inquire about the status of your payment.
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Yes, the credit card payment has been processed and recorded, but the funds have not been withdrawn from the account yet.
To pay your credit card online, log in to your credit card account on the issuer's website, navigate to the payment section, enter your payment information, and submit the payment.
a payment will post immediately to your account as long as it was posted before Friday at midnight. if you posted on Saturday it would take until monday morning to post to the account.
To pay your credit card bill online, log in to your credit card account on the issuer's website, navigate to the payment section, enter your payment information, and submit the payment.
To assign credit card payments in YNAB, you need to categorize the payment transaction in your budget to the appropriate credit card payment category. This ensures that the payment is reflected accurately in your budget and helps you track your credit card spending.