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If your credit is good, a bank will lend you money. If your credit is bad, then only a very close personal friend, who is willing to take a risk, will lend you money.

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Q: Who will lend you money to get your truck back from titlemax?
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Can you put a lien on a truck that you purchased for your boyfriend because he has not begin to pay the loan back?

Only if he has signed a document that recognizes that you you lend him the money, that he promises to pay you back and that he pledges the truck as collateral for the loan. If this is the case you can legitimately put a lien on the truck and repossess it if he does not pay you. Other than that he can claim that you gave it to him as a gift.

Are there any major banks that will lend me money with my bad credit?

Probably not, after much research I find that you can give money to get money and they when you pay it back you can get your money back.

What are some of the risks associated with money lending?

Well the number one risk is that the person you lend it to can't pay you back or stole your money. Other risks is you can struggle to get all your money back. After you lend it stuff can go wrong and then you need the money now you don't have it!

What do lenders do?

As their name suggests, lenders lend money to their customers. This money is then paid back with interested added to it.

If you gave someone money can you sue them for it back?

No. If I give you money, it is yours. You can do whatever you want with it. If I lend you money, I had better get a receipt. I will need paperwork. Then, I can sue you to get it back. The name of the game is paperwork.

Why does the US lend money to foreign countries?

For lots of reasons. It is in the interest of the US to lend money to other countries. It helps those countries. It improves relations between them. Most importantly, when the money is paid back, the US makes a profit.

Can you lend me money?


Should you lend money to friends?

There is a saying in Vietnamese which roughly translates to be "Much effort to lend, much effort to ask for it back". This saying sums up my feeling. If I lends things to people, I should be prepare to forgive and forget if the lent item/money does not come back or come back different than when it was handed out.

Who lend money?

Money lenders and banks.

What is borrowing money?

borrowing money is when you ask somebody to politely lend you a few dollars or even a wad of money, until you pay them back without interest.

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How old do you have to be to lend money?

Lend? Any age to lend, however parents should be advised of their children's loans they may be giving out!