david shapira
The shareholders own American Eagle Outfitters. It is a public company trading under the symbol AEOS on the Nasdaq.
Laurie First
Nestle company owns Alpo dog food company.
Phillip Green.
david shapira
Food Club is a brand owned by Topco Associates, a cooperative that represents independent grocery stores. Topco Associates is made up of member-owners who collectively own and operate the Food Club brand.
General Mills owns Green Giant.
I own American Eagle. Along with my Best Friend, An Eagle.
The chain store GetGo is owned by Giant Eagle. There are approximately 385 GetGo locations across America and the head offices are based in Pittsburgh.
BuyBuyBaby Inc. owns the BuyBuyBaby stores.
American eagle outfitters
Brad faxon
Phil Soar
Brad faxon
Brad faxon
Magnum Research .