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credit companies

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Q: Who often wins in credit transactions?
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Related questions

Do you only record credit transactions in general journal?

we can also record cash transactions too

What are the advantages of cash and credit transactions?

Cash is nice because you don't spend what you don't have. Credit transactions don't require you to carry cash that can be lost or stolen.

What are the items invovled in credit transactions?

Bwisit ka!

Does credit cards statements show decined transactions?


How does credit card transactions work?

Credit card transactions work because they are electronically connected to the bank server. Contact your local bank you are registered with for more information.

What are some fees banks charge for using a credit card?

The fees that are charged for credit card transactions vary, depending upon the bank one uses. A surcharge of $2.00 is often included in one transaction.

How businesses promote credit to consumers?

Businesses promote credit to their consumers through the allowing of consumers to purchase products through credit transactions provided by the business.

What's a credit card processing company?

A credit card processing company is a third party in a credit card transaction. They process the transactions on behalf of a business for a fee. This may be especially helpful for a small business that doesn't have a lot of credit card transactions.

How many credit card transactions does Walmart do a year?


Will repeated declined transactions on a credit card affect your credit rating or affect how a bank views you as a loan candidate?

Declined transactions on a credit card would seem to indicate that you have exceeded your credit limit. Exceeding your credit limit will reduce your credit score. This means that a bank would take a very close look when you apply for more credit.

How many type of transactions are there?

Two types of transactions: Cash Transactions- Where payment is made immediately by cash or cheque. Credit Transactions- Where the goods or services hands immediately but payment take place at a later time.

What is meant by Credit Policy?

Credit Policy refers to the written guidelines and protocols that related to credit. This will include the specific terms and conditions for any credit transactions.