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The Chinese created. Ching Chong.

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Q: Who invented wood-block printing?
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What are facts about woodblock printing?

woodblock printing was invented in the 800 AD by japanese people

When was woodblock printing invented?

The printing dates back to China date from 220, and from Egypt to the 4th century.

Wood-block printing in china?

Well, woodblock printing wasn't actually invented there, but in china, the use and production boomed and raely gave the invention of typing started.

Did china invent woodblock printing?


Where did woodblock printing start?

it started in china

When did Japanese woodblock printing start?


When was the woodblock invented?

The woodblock was invented since time began since there was wood everywhere.

How has woodblock printing impacted your world?

Woodblock printing has impacted the entire world. Because of woodblock printing, it became easier for peasants and the common people to learn how to read. This influenced them because they were able to become more educated. This education led to revolutions which led to freedoms for the people, as well as the invention of other methods of printing for mass production. If not for the woodblock printer, the world may have turned out to be an entirely different place.

What was the type of printing was invented by Bi Sheng in 1041?

Bi Sheng invented movable type printing using clay characters in 1041 in China. This innovation allowed for the easier and faster production of printed materials compared to traditional woodblock printing methods.

How do the two forms of printing invented by the chinese differ?

Woodblock printing involves carving characters into a wooden block, which is then inked and pressed onto paper. Meanwhile, movable type printing involves individual characters being arranged and set in a frame before being inked and pressed onto paper. Woodblock printing is simpler and more suitable for large-scale projects, while movable type printing allows for faster and more efficient printing of various texts.

Which was invented first the X-ray machine or the printing machine?

The printing press was invented in around 593 AD in China, long before the X-ray machine (approx 1896). It should be noted that printing is even older than the invention of the mechanical printing press, for example evidence for woodblock printing dates from 200 AD in China. Please see the related links.

When did Marco Polo travel to Taklamakan Desert?

to get the information of woodblock printing