money --> ([dollar] sign) <--
To sign up with Dollar Bank Online you simply need to go to the Dollar Bank website. Then you need to click on the 'Sign Up' link on the left hand navigation bar and fill out your details.
The French use the Euro, €
George washinton invented money and that's why he's on a one dollar bill
In fact, Mexico invented such sign ('$') for the Mexican peso and the US took it for its own currency.
Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.
money --> ([dollar] sign) <--
Indonesia's currency does not have a dollar sign.
$ it is American dollar currency
The addition sign was invented in Oakland California.
The dollar sign is this: $An S with a vertical line through the center
A dollar sign has TWO lines going through it. The one on your keyboard IS NOT the dollar sign, it is another symbol called an "OFFSET" .
Format the cell for Currency if you want the dollar sign to be immediately before the first number (floating dolar sign). Format the cell for Accounting if you want the dollar sign to stay to the left side of the cell no mater the length of the entry (fixed dollar sign).
so we have something to represent the dollar