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A funds flow analysis,,

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Q: Which of the following is part of an examination of the sources and uses of funds?
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What does a fund consist of?

A mutual fund consists of shares of company stocks. Investors can buy shares of funds and so own a small part of more stocks. There are other types of funds: bond funds, real estate funds, money market funds for example.

What is virement in public fund management?

tranfer of funds from unspending expenditure to different part of the same expenditure line

The administrator made you put your own beneficiary funds into the estate account advising it was required. Can you sue her for fraud or petition the court to remove her?

You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.You haven't explained what the "beneficiary funds" consisted of or where you got them. If the funds came from a joint account with you and the decedent or from a "payable on death" account with you as the beneficiary the funds are not part of the probate estate. You should visit the court where the probate was filed immediately if you think you are a victim of fraud by the administrator. You can file a motion to have your question answered after a review by the court. If the administrator is mishandling the estate she can be removed and replaced by the court.

What does restrained bank account mean?

When a bank account is RESTRAINED it means that the bank has put a "freeze" on the account and no funds may be withdrawn by anyone. Usually this is the result of some party with a judgment against the account holder who --by virtue of their judgment obtained in court-- has the right to go after any assets of the account holder. While RESTRAINED, all funds remain at the bank (minus any bank fees the bank may charge for having to process the Restraining Order). Ultimately the funds will meet one of the following fates: After a year, the Restraining Notice will expire (but a new can be issued quickly); or the account holder will sign over all or part of the funds in the account to whomever holds the judgment against them, and the account will be "normal" again after that; or if the account holder refuses to release any funds the judgment holder can send the local Sheriff or Marshall in to seize the funds, after which the account again returns to "normal" status but at that point the account is no longer considered RESTRAINED it is said to have been levied.

Compare mutual funds and stocks?

A share of stock represents ownership of part of a company. A share of a mutual fund represents ownership of part of a pool of stocks from many different companies. Mutuals are like pre-selected diversified portfolios.

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