Meeting minutes contain opinions and commentary from the note-taker.
Correct :)
By taking minutes at a meeting, you are preserving the historical record of the meeting for future reference.
types of minutes for meeting
'Minutes of the meeting' is a compilation of the points discussed at a meeting. The Minutes include details like the date of the meeting, agenda for the meeting and list of attendees, followed by the points discussed. It serves to keep a track on the progress of the actionables discussed and one can refer back to the Minutes to take stock of the current status. The minutes are usually circulated by either the secretary or else by someone who takes part in the discussion.
The minutes are a record of the proceedings of the meeting. A motion needs to be moved to accept the minutes and then seconded to be accepted as a true record of the meeting. The minutes do not need to be read but each member can have a copy. Unless someone objects then the minutes are accepted as a true and proper record of the last meeting. A motion to precede the acceptance motion can be put if a ,member believes the minutes do not reflect a true and proper record.
are the minutes of the meeting ...
The noun "minutes of a meeting" takes a singular verb when referring to the document itself (e.g. "The minutes of the meeting was distributed"), but a plural verb when referring to the contents or details within the document (e.g. "The minutes of the meeting were thorough").
Minutes are not typically capitalized unless they are part of a title or at the beginning of a sentence. For example, "Meeting Minutes" or "Minutes of the Meeting."
The "MINUTES" of the meeting are plural therefore they WERE adopted.
Every Individual who was part of the meeting must receive the meeting minutes. Some senior members of the team who need to be made aware of the meeting updates too should receive them minutes
Minutes of board meeting capture the decisions made at that meeting. Minutes are approved at the meeting that follows and most organizations keep a board minutes book by year to document board decisions.
Meeting minutes is a term used for the notes made during a meeting or hearing. They usually describe the meeting, the attendees, and a resolution to any issues.
It is for people not be able to attend the meeting
The official record of a meeting is called the "meeting minutes." It typically includes a summary of what was discussed, decisions made, and action items assigned during the meeting.
To close a meeting you adjurn the meeting. They are both the same thing.