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You should figure out what you would pay in interest if you borrowed the money to purchase the property. Then decide why you would want to donate that amount to the bank if you have enough cash to buy.

You should figure out what you would pay in interest if you borrowed the money to purchase the property. Then decide why you would want to donate that amount to the bank if you have enough cash to buy.

You should figure out what you would pay in interest if you borrowed the money to purchase the property. Then decide why you would want to donate that amount to the bank if you have enough cash to buy.

You should figure out what you would pay in interest if you borrowed the money to purchase the property. Then decide why you would want to donate that amount to the bank if you have enough cash to buy.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You should figure out what you would pay in interest if you borrowed the money to purchase the property. Then decide why you would want to donate that amount to the bank if you have enough cash to buy.

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Q: Which is good to buy a house - shall i go for bank loan to buy a house or with my money?
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I'm not sure but I'll give you question a try, Bank meaning having money, slang right? That's what i get from it, in that case of course bank is good. Who doesn't want to have money... in the "bank" lol i , otherwise i have no clue! -Jackie Lanier-

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