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Q: Which five year plan is running presently in India?
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Which five year plan is under implementation in India?

11th five yeat plan

When was Five Year PLan started in India?

the first five year plan of india started in the year 1951 go to wikipedia to find more. india has 11 five year plans.

What are the Objectives of India's 11nth five year plan?

what are the objectives of 11nth five year plan

Which five year plan is currently going on in india?

10th five year plan (2002-2007)

Which five year plan is running now?


Which plan was launched on the fiftieth year of independence in India?

Nineth Five-Year Plan

What is the period of fourth five year plan?

The period of the fourth five year plan of India is from 1969 to 1974. There was a break in the five year plan from 1966 as there was a war.

Five year plan in india is finally approved by?

The highest body which approves the Five-Year Plan in India is National Development Council

What was the period of the eight five year plan of Govt of India?

the period of the eight five year plan is from 2012-2017 in the Indian Government

Who is the final authority to adopt five years plan in India?


What are the forest resources in India?

environmental issues and five yrar plan

When was 10th five year plan in India started?
