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1. Liquidity Ratios - Ability of the company to pay off debt

2. Activity Ratios - How quickly a firm can convert its non-cash assets to cash assets

3. Debt Ratios - Ability of the firm to repay long-term debt

4. Profitability Ratios - To Measure the firms use of its assets and control of its expenses to generate an acceptable rate of return

5. Market Ratios - To Measure the investor response to owning a company's stock and also the cost of issuing stock

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Q: Which financial ratios are used by banks?
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What are financial ratios?

There are many different financial ratios used as the indicators and they are differently use based on the purpose of what areas, or risks that the appraiser concern about. Financial Ratios are the useful tool to measure that company performance financially; however, the Key Financial Performance Indicators turn to be less popular or they can not use alone to measure how success the entity is. We will talk in detail below why Financial Ratios is less popular in the Current Strategic Performance Appraisal.

What are Financial performance measures ratio?

A financial ratio is a relative magnitude of two selected numerical values taken from a Company's Financial Statements. There are many standard ratios that can be used to evaluate the overall financial condition of a company. Financial ratios can be used by managers of a firm or shareholders (both current and potential) or banks or anyone else to gauge the financial strength of the company. They can be used also to compare the strengths and weaknesses of two or more organizations.For Ex: If I were to buy a banking stock from the Indian stock market, I can compare the financial ratios of a few of the country's leading banks like ICICI, HDFC, SBI etc and then choose the one which I feel has the most impressive financial background and strengths.

Relationships determined from a firm's financial information and used for comparison purposes are known as?

financial ratios

How might financial ratios be used when planning and implementing financial activites?

Financial ratios can be used for comparison • between two or more companies (ex: comparison between ICICI and HDFC Banks) • between two or more industries (ex: comparison between the Banking and Auto industry) • between different time-periods for the same company (ex: comparison on the results of the company in the current financial year and the previous year) • between a single company and the industry performance Ratios are generally meaningless unless we benchmark them against something else. Like say past performance or another company. Ratios of firms that operate in different industries, which face different risks, capital requirements, competition, customer demand etc can be very hard to compare.

Describe the four approaches to using financial ratios?

Describe the four approaches to using financial ratios?

What are the key determinants of a financial structure?

financial ratios

What are the Sources of Data for Financial Ratios?

Financial ratios of all company's can be calculated based on their financial statements that would be declared during their quarterly result announcement. Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cashflows, Statement of Earnings etc are some of the documents from which the information required for calculating these financial ratios can be picked up. Also, if the company is listed in the stock market, its current stock price too is used for calculating some of these ratios.

How do you measure company performance?

You can measure a company's performance by assessing their financial position. There are many financial ratios that can be used to see if a company is performing.

How do you interprete financial ratio?

Financial ratios are used in two different ways. The first ratio is used for a company over time while the other is used against that of other companies.

How is a ratio analsis used in decision?

Financial ratio analysis groups the ratios into categories which tell us about different facets of a company's finances and operations. An overview of some of the categories of ratios is given below.Leverage Ratios which show the extent that debt is used in a company's capital structure.Liquidity Ratios which give a picture of a company's short term financial situation or solvency.Operational Ratios which use turnover measures to show how efficient a company is in its operations and use of assets.Profitability Ratios which use margin analysis and show the return on sales and capital employed.Solvency Ratios which give a picture of a company's ability to generate cashflow and pay it financial obligations.

How many financial ratios are there?


Use of regression and financial ratio for analysis?

Regression can be used to predict any increase of default when macroeconomic variables are added in a financial ratios model. Regressions can begin with ratios initially, but also can be adjusted when other variables are included.