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Q: Which decisions are associated with decision rules?
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What is programmed decision?

A programmed decision is a repetitive and routine decision that can be resolved using policies, rules, or standard operating procedures. These decisions are typically well-structured and solved through established guidelines without requiring much creativity or judgment.

What is the plural of decision?


What are examples of programmed and programmed decision making?

a programmed decision is made in response to a situation that has occurred often enough to enable decision rules to be developed and applied in the future. For example the decision to reload paper in the printer is a programmed decision. Answer: Programmed decisions are these which are repeatitive & non-programmed decisions are that made for seponteneously or suddenly or un routen problem.

What is the plural form of decision?

The plural form of decision is decisions.

What is the plural of the word decision?

The plural form of the word "decision" is "decisions."

What are examples of programmed and non programmed decision making?

examples of programmed decisions are reordering printer cartridges and buying your favorite toothpaste or shampoo at the supermarket. examples of non programmed decisions are selecting a new cell phone provider and selecting a college to attend

What is decision function to pattern recognition?

The principal function of a pattern recognition system is to yield decisions concerning the class membership of the patterns with which it is confronted. In order to accomplish this task, it is necessary to establish some rules upon which to base these decisions. One important approach to this problem is the use of decision functions.

What is the difference between strategic decision administrative decision and operational decision?

Strategic decisions are made by executive level managers. Operational decisions are made by line managers. Operational decisions can change from day-to-day.

What is formal decision?

A formal decision is a decision that is made in a structured and methodical manner, often involving a clear evaluation process, criteria, and documentation. It is typically made within an organization or institution according to established rules or protocols. Formal decisions are important for ensuring transparency, accountability, and consistency in decision-making.

What are the basic financial decision in an organization?

The basic financial decisions include long term investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend decisions. Investment Decision relates to the selection of assets in which funds will be invested by a firm. These decisions are of two types Capital Budgeting Decisions and Working Capital Decisions. Financing Decision is broadly concerned with the asset-mix or the composition of the assets of a firm. The concern of the financing decision is with the financing-mix or capital structure or leverage. Dividend Policy Decision isrelated to the dividend policy.

How are decision made for dictator ship?

In a dictatorship most decisions are still taken by ordinary people. Even decisions involving the use of large expenditures of resources can still be taken by individuals who have been nominated by the dictator. Furthermore, the dictator is usually influenced in decision making by individuals with whom they are closely associated. However, ultimately decisions about large investments are directions are taken by the dictator.

What makes the strategic decision different from other decisions?

It is an educated and long term decision. where other decisions may be impulsive or short term