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If you are in the U.S., there is a governmental resource named the E-Grants Initiative that was set up in 2002 to encourage entrepreneurs to learn more about opportunities for funding their small businesses. You can call the related center at 1-800-518-4726; they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Q: Where can you research federal grants for your small business?
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Where does one find grants for small businesses?

Grants for small business are available at a local level through corporations and foundations. Most grants at the federal level are primarily for research and development.

Does the federal government offer small business grants?

No, the federal government does not offer small business grants. You can get a small business grant from many state development agencies that offer them.

Does the government offer small business financing?

If your small business is engaged in scientific research and development (R&D), you may qualify for federal grants under the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and the STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) programs.

How does one attain small business grants?

You can apply for small business grants directly with the federal government at

What federal grants are available for small business and how do we apply?

There are federal grants suitable for every businesses' needs. You can apply online on the government's special website that deals with federal grants.

Where can I find grants to fund my small business?

Uncle Sam's Money is a nice website for locating small business grants from the federal government. Website:

Are ex-felons eligible for grants?

No, there are no "felon specific" small business loans or grants through the U.S. Federal government or S.B.A. (Small Business Administration).

What departments offer federal government business grants?

Likely you would want to check your federal government's website to find out about grants available for small business. Don't forget to check locally too, many states and cities have additional grants and subsidies for small business.

How can you get a federal grant for your small business?

While there are still no direct small business grants available from the federal government, many state development agencies offer direct small business grants and other types of financial assistance designed to encourage and assist entrepreneurs in starting or expand a small business.

Where do you go to find Federal Grants if you're a small business person?

The best place to go for Federal Small Business Grants is They provide a wealth of information on both grants and government initiatives. The process to apply for Grants is rather cumbersome. I would suggest contact you local Small Business Association for help in applying. You can find your local office at

Where can I go to find and apply for federal grants for small business?

The absolute best place to find and apply for grants of any kind is The link for small business start-up grants takes you to, which is where you will find grants just for small businesses.

Who is eligible for business funding?

Some federal government grants are available to small businesses. But heres the catch "federal grants for businesses are typically aimed at specific industries and targeted causes identified by the government, such as scientific and medical research, conservation efforts, and so on.