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just go to B D O and put your card and type what amount of money you needed Im Jemima Manzano Im gr. 4 in class 4 Initiative I am studying in HOPE CHRISTAN HIGH SCHOOL.

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Q: Where can you get money from using your credit card?
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What is one benefit to using a debit card that is not a benefit of using a credit card to make a purchase?

With a debit card you can only use money that you put in a bank and with a credit card you are using the money from the credit card company which can lead to bankruptcy if you are not careful.

How can i send somebody else money using a credit card?

You can send someone money with a credit card if they have a PayPal account.

What kinds of rewards can you earn using a Orchardbank credit card?

You can earn money on purchases using your Orchardbank credit card.

What is an annual credit card fee?

Its a fee the credit card company charges you yearly for using their money

Is a credit card free money?

NO! Do not think that. It will get you into alot of debt. The amounts add up to the bill you get, and the credit card company will add more if you don't pay on time. A debit card is a much safer option. You put money into an account and you access it through the card, and the purchase amount is taken from the debit account. SO in using a credit card, you are using money you don't have, and in using a DEBIT card, you are using money you know you have. A MUCH safer option.

Can a credit card company repossess an ATV with no lean on the title of the ATV?

Did you buy the ATV with the credit card? Then yes Did you use the ATV a security for the credit card when you applied? The yes.

What is difference between credit card and debit card.?

Charges against a debit card are withdrawn directly from your checking account, it's similar to writing a check. Charges against a credit card are accumulated and you are sent a bill at the end of the month for the money you borrowed with possible fees. with a credit card you are using the banks money. with the debit card you are using your own money.

What is called money borrowed using a credit card a cash?

a loan

What do secured credit cards mean?

A secured credit card is a credit card for people with poor credit ratings that must deposit the desired amount on money before using the card. The card is similar to a pre-paid credit card that allows credit ratings to get better.

Points of difference between credit card and debit card?

Of Course you can transfer money from credit card to your debit card.Direct transfer is not available from credit card to bank but you can get money over cash against credit card.It's very simple that you need to swipe your card and get funds in your debit account. Call us: 7299927000 UNIK Solutions

Can you add money to your steam account without using a credit card?


Will it build your credit history if you are not a US citizen but have been regularly using your check card as a credit card?

Citizenship is not a factor here because debit cards used as credit cards is basically delaying the payment for merchandise. Instead of having the money withdrawn immediately (debit), it is delayed a few days and taken out then (credit). Also, you are not borrowing money when using a debit card, whether as debit ot credit, because you're using money you already have.