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Try . It may be hard since you have no proof of income, though.

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Q: Where can you get a decent loan for 10k if you have 615 credit score but you have no income verification?
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Is 525 a good credit score?

No, it is below average and people with that credit score have a hard time getting credit at a bank for a decent interest rate.

Can you purchase a new Ford truck with a 653 credit score?

depends on if you have a decent credit history. a 653 score willl result in a really high interest rate on a new car, placing the payments out of reach based on your income, resulting in you being denied. if leasing you will be denied instantly with a 653 score.

If you are in good standing in your credit report what credit score do you have?

Scores of 700 or above suggest a decent credit report.

Does one's Debt to Income Ratio affect the refinancing of a home?

Yes. Your debt to income and available credit ratio is used to determine your credit score. You credit score is an indication to the finance company of your credit-worthiness.

Does the amount of a debt affect your credit score?

Absolutely. Your credit score is based on the amount of money you owe, have owed or are in arrears. There is a formula used to compare your income to debt ratio. The higher the debt compared to your income, the lower your credit score.

What does a credit score of 640 with no current credit open mean to you to get a car loan?

That's not bad. you are right around the cut off for decent loans with fair interest. As far as getting the loan, don't worry. if you have the income, anyone can, you just pay more with lousy credit.

What is the average expected credit score to receive a mortgage loan?

There is not an average expected credit score to receive a mortgage loan. You may have a low credit score, and an high income and still be able to qualify. Loans are not just based on credit score.

Where can I get an online credit score check for a job?

There are three main credit bureaus to contact for you credit score. This would be Esperian, Transunion, and Equifax. All three will give you a most rounded average to use on any credit application or proposal, granted that it is a decent score.

Is a credit score of 700 good credit?

Its pretty darn good. Average American has a credit score of 678. Should get you a decent percentage rate. Anything over a 700 is considered good to excellent.

What are the main reasons that someone would want to get a copy of their credit report?

It depends, maybe someone wants to buy a car, they might need proof of their credit score, some dealerships require you to have a decent credit score; also, when buying a house, your credit score sometimes kicks in, so evidence of your credit score/report are necessary.

Does my salary affect credit score?

It doesn't. Income is completely ignored in credit scoring. Salary does affect your debt-to-income ratio, which may be examined as a part of a loan application. However, it does not influence your credit score in any way, shape or form.

If you have a credit score of 604 can you buy a home with this score?

Each mortgage company or bank will have their own requirements. In addition to a credit score, there are other factors such as income. A credit score of 604 may be high enough to get a home with a high interest rate.