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There are a number of websites that offer great information for those that are looking to get a mortgage after bankruptcy. One can find out more information on site such as wikiHow, Nolo, Realtor or the SFGate website under the heading of homeguides.

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Q: Where can one learn about getting a mortgage after bankruptcy?
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Where can one find out about bankruptcy mortgage loans?

One can learn about their options for getting a mortgage loan after declaring bankruptcy by visiting the websites of businesses that offer mortgages. Generally, one cannot obtain any kind of mortgage for at least two years after declaring bankruptcy, but some companies may make an exception.

Can you get a reverse mortgage if you file bankruptcy?

Yes, a reverse mortgage does not have any credit requirements, however if you are in bankruptcy or filing one you may need court approval to do the reverse mortgage.

What steps are involved in getting a second mortgage?

One first must understand the components required in the mortgage. Then, one can talk to a professional from a bank or mortgage company. Through this professional, one can learn how to fill out the required paperwork to get a second mortgage.

How can one get a mortgage refinance after a bankruptcy?

One would first have to wait two years after filing for bankruptcy. After this period, one can apply for a mortgage but one should pay bills on time and do not expect for it to be easy. Persistence is key.

How hard is it to get a mortgage after chapter 13 discharge?

If you have just filed bankruptcy, you will not be barred from ever obtaining a mortgage loan; however, you will not be able to get one immediately. When you can get a mortgage after bankruptcy will depend upon the type of loan you want, the type of bankruptcy you filed, and how good your credit is at the time you want the loan.

Related questions

Where can one find out about bankruptcy mortgage loans?

One can learn about their options for getting a mortgage loan after declaring bankruptcy by visiting the websites of businesses that offer mortgages. Generally, one cannot obtain any kind of mortgage for at least two years after declaring bankruptcy, but some companies may make an exception.

How does one get a mortgage after suffering bankruptcy?

"Bankruptcy status remains on a person�۪s credit report for 10 years, but mortgage lenders want you to hold off on getting a mortgage for at least two or three years. If your post-filing debt payments have been reported to your credit agency as being on time, and you have steady employment, your chances of getting a mortgage financed increase considerably."

Can you get a reverse mortgage if you file bankruptcy?

Yes, a reverse mortgage does not have any credit requirements, however if you are in bankruptcy or filing one you may need court approval to do the reverse mortgage.

Where can one get help to refinance himself or herself out of bankruptcy?

One can get help refinancing a mortgage by visiting a bank or a mortgage specialist. This type of refinancing can help someone to get out of bankruptcy.

What steps are involved in getting a second mortgage?

One first must understand the components required in the mortgage. Then, one can talk to a professional from a bank or mortgage company. Through this professional, one can learn how to fill out the required paperwork to get a second mortgage.

How can one get a mortgage refinance after a bankruptcy?

One would first have to wait two years after filing for bankruptcy. After this period, one can apply for a mortgage but one should pay bills on time and do not expect for it to be easy. Persistence is key.

2 homes with mortgage on both divorce and one files bankruptcy?

Was the bankruptcy before or after the divorce? I don't think it matters however, the bank can always go after the cosigner on a mortgage if they didn't file bankruptcy as well.

Can a bankruptcy be filed on a reverse mortgage loan?

Yes, a reverse mortgage does not have credit requirements. you can use one to pay your way out of a bankruptcy, or one right after a bankruptcy. However, the bankruptcy court does have to approve the reverse mortgage if you are in the process of doing one or still paying on one.

How hard is it to get a mortgage after chapter 13 discharge?

If you have just filed bankruptcy, you will not be barred from ever obtaining a mortgage loan; however, you will not be able to get one immediately. When you can get a mortgage after bankruptcy will depend upon the type of loan you want, the type of bankruptcy you filed, and how good your credit is at the time you want the loan.

Where can one get advice in order to refinance a mortgage after bankruptcy?

One can find advice regarding refinancing a mortgage after bankruptcy at almost any bank in the United States. SunTrust offers their customers with this type of information at any of their banks.

Where might one go to learn more about mortgage protection plans?

You can learn about mortgage protection plans online at the Mortgage Protection Plan website. Once on the page, you can learn more about Mortgage Protection Plans, get a quote or apply online.

Where can one learn about a mortgage borrow?

One can learn about a mortgage borrow from a local bank. There should be financial advisers located within, or a branch manager that has experience with mortgages.