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You can obtain a credit report with the score from a number of credit agencies such as Experian. These can be either ordered in writing, on the phone or online.

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Q: Where can one get a copy of a credit report with the score?
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Where can a person get a credit score report?

One can get a credit score report from many different places that offer them, such as credit consulting companies. One can also request a credit score report from the Equifax, Annual Credit Report, and TransUnion websites.

Where can one find a free online credit score?

One can find a free credit score report online from many of the free credit report websites such as Free Credit Report. Many similar websites offer free trials with the inclusion of a credit score report. One such website is TransUnion.

Where can one get a free credit report score?

People can get a free credit score report from many different websites. People can go to Credit Report website for a free credit report. Also, they can use Free Score Online site to get a free credit score report.

Where can you get a free credit report score?

One can get a free credit report score from 'Experian' Other sites that offer free credit report scores include 'Credit Karma', 'my FICO' and 'Free Credit Report'.

What is a credit report and a credit score?

A credit report basically contains information about your credit history, whereas Credit score is a number which is generated on the basis of your credit report. Score totally depends upon one's credit record, if history is good, credit score will be high. I always check my credit score free at

Can anyone get a copy of your credit report?

No. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) lists the permissible purposes for those wanting to obtain a person’s credit report. You can get your own score, but access to your report by others is restricted to government agencies and businesses that have a “permissible purpose.”

How can one get a credit score report for free?

One can get a free credit score report from Experian. A similar service is offered by Give Me Credit, Credit Report Access, Equifax, Privacy Guard and UK Compared.

How can one get a free credit report with score?

One can obtain a free credit report, with a credit score, online. Companies such as Equifax and Experian both offer credit reports and credit scores on a free trial basis.

Where to find credit score and advice?

You can get your credit score by getting a copy of your credit report from one of the three reporting agencies. You can visit their websites at, and to get those reports. You can also get advice on how to improve and protect your credit score by visiting

As a Tennessee resident are you entitled to a free annual credit report?

As a Tennessee resident you are entitled to a free annual credit report one time per year. Any further requests for a report could cost you up to $9 a copy and take points off your credit score.

How does one get their Equifax credit score?

Credit scores are obtained directly from Equifax's website. Equifax offers a three in one product for this, combining a credit report with a credit score and a FICO score.

What is the easiest way to bring up a credit score?

The three major credit reporting companies are required to give you one free copy of your credit report per year. This is not allowed to affect your credit score, which can be lowered by too many credit checks. Start here: