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Your local bank can provide you with some personal recommendations for your situation. There are other third-party services available, too, such as CreditLand.

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Q: Where can one find information on how to deal with bad credit?
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Where can I find information on how to refinance when I have bad credit?

You can find lots of information on how to refinance when you have bad credit on consumer bad credit repair guide or you can talk to a personal financer. There are lots of information on different websites you just have to find the wight website for yourself and your bad credit.

How do lenders find information about bad credit when dealing with a mortgage applicant?

Lenders find information about bad credit when dealing with a mortgage applicant by running a credit check. They send your information to a credit service to see what information they can find.

Where can I find more information about bad credit installment loans?

One can find information about bad credit installment loan on a number of webpages. Personal Loans 24/7 and FirstInstallmentLoans are examples of websites where one can find more information about bad credit installment loan.

Where can a person find information on personal loans for people with bad credit?

The PR News website has information on bad credit loans with links to those companies that provide them. One can find information and rates for bad credit loans on the comparison website Go Compare.

Where could one find information on consolidation loans for those with a bad credit rating?

There are a few places one can look for information on consolidation loans for those with a bad credit rating. One can find information from the websites 'Bad Credit Consolidation Loans' and 'Debt Consolidation Loans'.

What are some car dealerships that will sell a person a vehicle if they have bad credit?

This depends where you are located. If you have bad credit and are looking to buy a car you should do a search with your city and you will find multiple dealerships that deal with bad credit.

Where can one get a credit card with bad credit?

There are many places which will offer you a credit card if you have bad credit. If you look on websites such as Money Saving Expert you can find information about this.

Where can someone find information about credit card applications for bad credit?

There are many opportunities for low credit/bad credit/no credit credit cards. Especially in this economy people have fallen behind and still need to have their credit card in emergencies. Here is a good website.

Where can someone find information about bad credit loans?

One may find information about bad credit loans from Consolidated Credit. They have been helping to inform consumers about debt reduction and how to avoid having debt again once they are debt free.

Where might one find information about bad credit car refinance?

There are a number of websites online that provide information about refinancing a car with bad credit, such as road loans, campbellfoundation, and slideshare.

Where can one find more information about home mortgage for people with bad credit?

One may find more information about home mortgage for people with bad credit from the site Home Guides. They have some very detailed information on how should best approach this.

Where can one find more information about cleaning bad credit?

There is no legal way to clear bad credit from a credit report if the bad credit is factual. Repairing credit, however, can be done, but it takes a lengthy process to show creditors that payments can be made and be made timely. However, if the bad credit information is not correct, it simply involves contacting the three major credit reporting agencies for information. Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax all have specific ways to notify them of incorrect information.