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The filing of a Chapter 13 SHOULD show on your credit report. The dismissal MAY show. Without seeing all three of your credit bureau files, there is no way to know for certain. You should obtain copies of all three reports from Equifax, Experian and Transunion. Dispute the appearance of anything having to do with a bankruptcy if you did not "go through with it".

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Q: When you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and it is dismissed you decide not to go on with it will this show up on your credit report?
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How does one apply for bankruptcy?

First and foremost, the applicant has to decide with version of bankruptcy he/she/they are filing for. There are six types: Chaper 7, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 15. The most common is Chapter 11 and the process begins with the filing of bankruptcy paperwork to the appropriate court. This is done with an attorney or a qualified paralegal. From there, the applicant appears in court to answer questions from a bankruptcy judge and with all of the evidence gathered, waits for a decision. This can happen in a matter of days, weeks, or months depending on the circumstances.

After 8 years of having a discharged bankruptcy can you still be denied credit?

Your bankruptcy is on your credit report 10 years. The fact of having a bankruptcy can influence whether someone gives you credit or not, as can just about anything else. obviously, your more recent credit history, job, general stability and financial actions will begin to have more of an influence than the older ones.And of course, even without BK, you still can be denied is always the option of the one providing it to decide if they want to extend any credit to you at all, ever.I think one of the things it is hoped one learns from the whole going bankrupt experience is that you do NOT have any "right" to credit.

Can home owners association fees be included in a bankruptcy?

Your bankruptcy attorney can help you decide what to include in your filing petition.

How credit manager treat and decide a dummy credit application?

Kill it

How does a credit manager treat and decide a dummy credit application?

Kill it

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Can college debt be included in a bankruptcy?

No. Educational loans will remain with your during and after the bankruptcy is completed. This holds true regardless of whether you decide to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Are recent debts accrued after filing a no asset bankruptcy case discharged along with listed debts?

If you are referring to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are stuck with debts incurred after filing the bankruptcy unless your case is dismissed without a discharge and later refiled. In a Chapter 13 case, sometimes post petition debts can be paid through plan or the debts can be covered if you voluntarily dismiss the case and refile or convert it to a Chapter 7. In the case of a conversion to a Chapter 7, it would cover all debts up to the date of the conversion. The reform laws that went into effect in October 2005 contain much stricter rules on cases where a bankruptcy has been dismissed and refiled to prevent "serial" filers. Before making a decison, you must consult a local bankruptcy attorney to decide if dismiss your case and refiling is a valid option for your circumstance. Finally, Chapter 7 cases are very difficult to dismiss voluntarily.

Where do you file for bankruptcy in cook county Illinois?

You can file for bankruptcy in Illinois at the United States Bankruptcy Court District of Illinois. You will need to decide whether you are filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you are unfamiliar with the process, it is recommended to seek the help of an attorney. Securing legal representation can be helpful for those who are overwhelmed by the bankruptcy process.

How does one apply for bankruptcy?

First and foremost, the applicant has to decide with version of bankruptcy he/she/they are filing for. There are six types: Chaper 7, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 15. The most common is Chapter 11 and the process begins with the filing of bankruptcy paperwork to the appropriate court. This is done with an attorney or a qualified paralegal. From there, the applicant appears in court to answer questions from a bankruptcy judge and with all of the evidence gathered, waits for a decision. This can happen in a matter of days, weeks, or months depending on the circumstances.

If judgment goes to bankruptcy will it be removed?

If a judgment goes in the bankruptcy, it can be removed. The person who the judgment was for, has the right to request that it still be paid. In most Chapter 7 situations, the judge will decide in favor of the debtor.

How does a person file for chapter 11 bankruptcy?

To file chapter 11 bankruptcy one must propose a plan and then must find creditors to agree with this plan. Then, the person must take the plan and creditors to bankruptcy court where the judge will decide whether the plan can work or not. As long as the judge and all the creditors agree then that person can follow through with the plan and be in chapter 11 bankruptcy.

What kind of services does Chicago Credit offer?

Chicago credit offers debt counseling and bankruptcy services. They employ a team of lawyers to assist in your bankruptcy claims, and also employ financial advisors to help you decide if filing for bankrupcy is the right choice for you.

If you are say a year into a 60 month chapter 13 bankruptcy and you receive a small inheritance not enough to pay debts what is your obligation?

Your obligation is to let your attorney and/or bankruptcy trustee know about this. They will decide if the asset needs to be divided among creditors or included in your payments.

Should you let your car get repossessed or file bankruptcy or what if you wrecked your car with no insurance and you are 3 months behind on payments?

The Lender may or may not want to repo a wreck. Bankruptcy, same deal. Call the lender, tell them what the car looks like, and let them decide. ___ File bankruptcy if you are buried in unsecured debt, not to save the car. Especially a wrecked car. ___ "Repossession" looks slightly better (not MUCH better) on a credit report than a Chapter 7. Let it get repossessed.

Does the credit owner will get in prison if he or she did not pay the bills?

No, unless he or she committed fraud in some way. Simply declare bankruptcy, the court will decide how your remaining assets will be used to pay creditors and which you keep. After declaring bankruptcy you cannot do it again for a certain number of years.

What did Matt decide he needed in chapter 12?

decide whether the solids are similar chapter 12

After 8 years of having a discharged bankruptcy can you still be denied credit?

Your bankruptcy is on your credit report 10 years. The fact of having a bankruptcy can influence whether someone gives you credit or not, as can just about anything else. obviously, your more recent credit history, job, general stability and financial actions will begin to have more of an influence than the older ones.And of course, even without BK, you still can be denied is always the option of the one providing it to decide if they want to extend any credit to you at all, ever.I think one of the things it is hoped one learns from the whole going bankrupt experience is that you do NOT have any "right" to credit.