Use a contract any time there is an expectation of good, services or money from two parties in exchange.
You wouldn't use a futures contract for that; it would be an OTC swap contract.
Yes. When applying for a store card (or a credit card), the signature on your application implies agreement to the contract between you and the lender if the decision to extend you credit is made. Also, if you use the card, there is language in the Terms and Conditions section (fine print, the contract) which states that your use of the card implies you will accept the contract.
Getting out of contract can be made by executing or exhausting the object of the contract or using applicable contract provisions that can get you out of contract.
A written contract is the usual method
More People Go To Pay As You Go
a semi-contract is a mini contract that businesses use.
The principal advantage of the completed-contract method is that
I will contract with the supplier for a monthly delivery of materials.
Yep, and No-Contract phones are better
The contract is void if it's not signed. We signed the contract and the project begins on Monday. How did the child contract such a rare disease? In cold weather, muscles contract.
To contract "must" and "not," you would use an apostrophe to combine them into "mustn't."
JPi wins contract to build a new CD store.
You need to sign the contract.Be careful not to contract a disease.
If I had an contract plan with alltel and i cancelled the contract can i use the phone as a prepaid phone
In order to subpoena a contract you need to have a lawyer. The lawyer will then have the judge sign off on the subpoena, requiring the use of the contract for a case.
Yes, use your friends'.