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In most cases YES. Even though the wife isn't on the loan, she is probably on the deed, which means she has vested interest in the property. The only case in which it may be an issue is if the loan is a FHA Loan and she is not on the title, in which case she would need to refinance the property into her name.

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Q: When the sole borrower on a mortgage dies can his wife continue to make the payments?
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What if the spouse dies and there is still a lien on the house but both parties signed the mortgage?

Most lenders will allow you to continue to make the payments as the loan is. Some may modify the loan. As long as you can continue the payments, you will be ok.

Can the bank make you sell your personal belongings when a house goes into forcelosure with a reverse mortgage and no will?

Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.

Why would a person be trying to find a reverse mortgage lender?

Someone might be looking for a reverse mortgage because the loan doesn't usually need to be paid back until the borrower dies or moves out of their home.

If the cosigner of a home loan dies will the bank go after his estate for repayment?

My belief is that as long as the mortgage is paid on time by the borrower, there would be no reason to go after the cosigner estate.

What are the differences between a reverse mortgage and a home equity loan?

A reverse mortgage and home equity loan are often done for very different reasons. A reverse mortgage is only possible for seniors as there are age restrictions on this type of loan. Therefore, the reason behind a reverse mortgage is to generate some extra income in the retirement years. With a home equity loan, you can take one out at any time for almost any reason.A home equity mortgage is a line of credit based on the amount of equity a borrower has in their property. The borrower must make monthly payments on the balance due. Any property owner can apply for an equity line of credit.A reverse mortgage is quite different and is restricted to property owner's who are at least 62 years old. This is a loan against the value of one's home. The lender makes monthly tax free payments to the borrower. If the borrower decides to sell the property the loan must be paid off. Otherwise, the lender takes possession of the property after the owner dies. The initial fees and costs associated with a reverse mortgage can be very high and borrowers should make certain they are fully informed before signing.

Related questions

Can a lender repo a car if the borrower dies?

Yes, if those who control the dead borrower's estate do not continue to make the payments. The lender has a lien on the car, no matter who owns it.

When your private mortgage holder dies how do you make payments?

You would continue making payments to the estate. Eventually, they will give you instructions on what must be done as far as finding another mortgage company or person to get a loan from.

What if the spouse dies and there is still a lien on the house but both parties signed the mortgage?

Most lenders will allow you to continue to make the payments as the loan is. Some may modify the loan. As long as you can continue the payments, you will be ok.

What happens when the person paying the mortgage is not on the mortgage and the original mortgagor dies?

Most likely, nothing, as long as the payments continue on time. If the payments stop, the lender with foreclose on the property and the borrower's estate will be impacted. The payments are still due beyond the death of the borrower - they become the responsibility of the borrower's estate. An equally important question is who is now the legal owner of the real estate. If the decedent didn't transfer the property to a survivorship tenancy with another, their estate must be probated in order for title to pass to the heirs at law or under the terms of the will. An estate of real property must be probated in order for title to the property to pass to the heirs legally.

Can the bank make you sell your personal belongings when a house goes into forcelosure with a reverse mortgage and no will?

Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.Generally, no. Reverse mortgages do no require mortgage payments so foreclosures are rare. When the borrower dies the heirs have a generous time period to sell the property. If they don't sell it, or if the property is worth less than the mortgage, the lender can foreclose and only the mortgaged property is vulnerable to the foreclosure, not any other property in the estate.

When mortgage holders die what are mine and the mortgage company rights?

If a mortgage holder (mortgagee) dies the rights under the mortgage pass to her heirs. If a mortgagor (borrower) dies the mortgage company has a lien on real estate that still must be paid.

What is a reverse mortgage and are they safe?

A reverse mortgage is a loan for people 62 or older. It uses the equity of their primary residence as collateral and can be dispersed in a lump sum or in monthly payments. The loan comes due when the borrower dies, sells the house, or moves out for 12 consecutive months. If the borrower defaults, the home can be sold to repay the loan--and this could be a potential concern for applicants.

How long can a spouse stay in the house after the mortgage holder dies and he or she can't make payments?


If a same-sex couple lives together but the home and mortgage are in the name of only one of the partners what happens to the house and mortgage if that partner dies?

Generally, the mortgage should have been executed by both owners. The property would remain subject to the mortgage and the survivor would need to continue making the payments. Owners in a situation where two salaries are needed to make mortgage payments should consider life insurance to cover the amount of the mortgage.Generally, the mortgage should have been executed by both owners. The property would remain subject to the mortgage and the survivor would need to continue making the payments. Owners in a situation where two salaries are needed to make mortgage payments should consider life insurance to cover the amount of the mortgage.Generally, the mortgage should have been executed by both owners. The property would remain subject to the mortgage and the survivor would need to continue making the payments. Owners in a situation where two salaries are needed to make mortgage payments should consider life insurance to cover the amount of the mortgage.Generally, the mortgage should have been executed by both owners. The property would remain subject to the mortgage and the survivor would need to continue making the payments. Owners in a situation where two salaries are needed to make mortgage payments should consider life insurance to cover the amount of the mortgage.

Will your mortgage company work with you on payments if your spouse dies?

no,they will give you extra time to pay it but not alot of time

What happens when a co-signer on mortgage dies would the estate for the co-signer have to pay off the mortgage?

if your on the title be prepared to take over the payments.

What is a life annuity with period certain?

A life annuity with period certain is a type of annuity that provides regular payments for life, with a minimum guaranteed period during which payments will continue, even if the annuitant dies. If the annuitant dies before the end of the guaranteed period, the payments will continue to a beneficiary until the end of that period.