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The interest rate of the lowest bidder whose bid is accepted

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Q: When the fed auctions and loans reserves using the term auction facility what determines the interest rate that will be charged for those reserves?
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What do banks do with their excess reserves?

Banks use excess reserves to make loans to customers so that they can make profits on the interest Commercial banks cannot use excess reserves to make common loans. They can only use them to make loans to other banks who may need more required reserves. Excess reserves increase the monetary base but do not enter the M1 or M2 money supply. The only entity that can effect the total excess reserves is the Federal Reserve. When the fed decides to reduce its balance sheet, it will sell assets in the market and reduce an equal amount of excess reserves.

List and define two types of bank reserves?

Secondary Reserves- Assets that are invested in safe, marketable, short-term securities.Primary Reserves- Cash required to operate a is a third one...Excess Reserves- Capital reserves held by a bank in excess of what is required.

What are excess reserves?

They are reserves of cash more than the required amounts.

What is Forex Reserves?

Foreign exchange reserves (also called Forex reserves) in a strict sense are only the foreign currency deposits held by central banks and monetary authorities. However, the term foreign exchange reserves in popular usage (such as this list) commonly includes foreign exchange and gold, SDRs and IMF reserve position as this total figure is more readily available, however it is accurately deemed as official reserves or international reserves.

What happens to unused loan loss reserves?

Unused loan loss reserves represent an overestimation of the bad loans on the books. Ultimately, the unused loan loss reserves would be taken into income

Related questions

Which of the following most accurately describes what banks do with their excess reserves?

Banks use excess reserves to make loans to customers so that they can make profits on the interest.

How did the federal reserves higher interest rates in the 1930s complicate the Great Depression?


Why do commercial bank lend out the excess reserves?

They dont loan out their excess reserves. They only have excess reserves because they dont have loan demand from qualified borrowers and the marginal return from an average loan is greater than the interest paid on the excess reserves. IE they have to receive a marginal return of X amount above .25% they now receive on their excess reserves from a borrower SO 1. They have to loan demand 2. Qualified borrower 3. Net marginal return of higher than the amount of interest they receive on their reserves.

How do you retain mineral rights?

In your deed you add the following phrase Grantor reserves all mineral interest or excepting all mineral interest

How the Federal Reserve can influence the federal funds interest rate?

If the Fed wants to raise the federal funds interest rate, it will sell securities to remove reserves from the banking system.

Why do banks hold excess reserves?

They would hold excess reserves when conditions are such that they earn very little, or risks of loss are greater than interest reward or as now, 2/1/12, when the Federal Reserve is actually paying interest to the banks to keep reserves. There's now about $1.4 trillion of excess reserves of banks held at the Fed. It resulted from the Fed stuffing the bank "persons" with money lent at near zero interest to replace that which the banks destroyed with the liar loans and CDO- CDS securities. While 13 million human persons are unemployed, it's nutty to maintain such credit scarcity. But that's "free enterprise."

Does the us pay interest to the federal reserve?

Anything borrowed has some sort of interest, buisness and ethics dont share the same goal Here are the federal reserves interest rates from 1952-2011

What do banks do with their excess reserves?

Banks use excess reserves to make loans to customers so that they can make profits on the interest Commercial banks cannot use excess reserves to make common loans. They can only use them to make loans to other banks who may need more required reserves. Excess reserves increase the monetary base but do not enter the M1 or M2 money supply. The only entity that can effect the total excess reserves is the Federal Reserve. When the fed decides to reduce its balance sheet, it will sell assets in the market and reduce an equal amount of excess reserves.

Why do banks try to keep excess reserves as low as possible?

Because, the excess reserves they hold are going to stay idle in their vaults (safe deposit boxes) and are not going to earn any money for them. Instead if they loan it out to customers, they can earn an interest on the same. So banks try to keep their excess reserves as low as possible.

What Russian reserves are of particular interest to the rest of the world?

Is it oil and natural gas cooper and coal gold and zinc coal and natural gas

Would excess reserves expand the money supply and tend to lower interest rates?

No, only an easy money policy would do both.

Grossly reserved mean?

gross reserves. ’ means a working-interest (operating or non-operating) share of oil and gas reserves before deduction of royalty obligations and of reserves to be allocated to government authorities under a production-sharing contract or other oil and gas permit and without including any royalty interests of the Corporation.