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Q: When seeking long-term financing an advantage of issuing bonds over issuing common Stock is that stockholder control is not affected?
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Short term financing method?

Basically we have two financial methods,namely shortterm and longterm. Shortterm financing refers to fund short term fund requirements of an org.and vice versa.

What are longterm symptoms for babies born with methamphetamine in their systems?

add or adhd the front cortex is affected. then that leads to more self esteem problems as they get olde.

What is longterm financing?

Long term finance simply means money that is set aside for achieving goals that may take a long period of time. An example of long term finance may be retirement savings.

What is the origin of melanoma?

It is cancer of the skin and it can come from longterm overexposure to the sun without sunscreen or people can get it from longterm use of tanning beds.

How do you cope with longterm unemployment?

find a job

What longterm stores energy in humans?


What longterm ideas are being overthrown?

The cause

Why shouldn't performance enhancing drugs be legalised in sport?

Because it gives certain players more advantage's. Also certain drugs are illegal Also, many of these drugs have longterm effects on the liver and kidneys--they should not be prescribed.

The longterm consequnces of the crusades?

An increase in the power of popes..

What do economists mean by longterm?

answer- longer than a year

What is endplate sclerosis?

what is the longterm affects of endplate sclerosis

Is prolonged the same as longterm?

No, not really, but Prolonged is sort of a word to use when someone has a dragging illness or something. Good question. Something that is longterm is permanent but something that is prolonged will go on for a while and eventually stop. EX: the longterm effects of smoking are____. The Prolonged illness went on for 3 years but then it was cured.