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When a carrying Vessel enters in the Jurisdiction of a certain place with the intention to unlade the cargoes from an importation...

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Q: When does importation begins?
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What sentence can you use the word importation?

The importation of bananas was necessary as they could not grow them in their climate.

When was the importation of slaves abolished in the US?

The importation of slaves in the United States was abolished on January 1, 1808.

In what year did congress ban the importation of slaves from Africa?

congress banned the importation of slaves from Africa in 1808

Can you copyright a importation?

No, it is illegal

The prohibited the further importation of slaves into Missouri after its admission as a state.?

The Tallmadge Amendment prohibited the further importation of slaves into Missouri after its admission as a state.

When was the importation of new slaves made illegal?

The importation of new slaves was made illegal in the United States in 1808 as part of the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves. This law went into effect on January 1, 1808.

What state or colony was the first to outlaw the importation of blacks for slavery?

Pennsylvania was the first state to outlaw the importation of blacks for slavery in 1682.

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What country forbids the importation of mongoose?


What act outlawed the importation of french wines?

The Eighteenth Amendment (1920-1933) prohibited the importation of beverage alcohol from all countries including, but not specifically, France.

How did the patriots feel about the non importation association 1768?

The non-importation agreement of 1768 was aimed at boycotting any kind of goods or merchandize from Great Britain

How do you use non-importation in a sentence?

Various non-importation laws prevent foreign goods from competing with domestic products.(* The Non-Importation Act was passed by Congress in 1806 to pressure Britain to stop impressment of American sailors. It did not do much and tensions escalated into the War of 1812.)