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Q: When did banks nationalised?
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When the banks in India was nationalised?

banks in india was nationalised in 1969

No. of banks nationalised with their limits?

17 banks

Are private banks nationalised banks?


Are employees in nationalised banks government employees?

i want to know whether the employees of the nationalised banks are the government employee

Is SBI a nationalised bank?

No, SBI is not a nationalised bank. It is one of the greatest bank. It is a public bank but not a nationalised bank. Right now 19 banks were nationalised out of 20, in which SBI i.e. State Bank Of India is not included.

What is the total salary of a clerk in 19 nationalised banks?

According to a conducted research, the salary of a clerk in the nineteen nationalised banks is about fourteen thousand and four hundred Indian Rupees.

Number of Nationalised banks in India?

23 nationalized bank

What is the position of syndicate bank in nationalised banks?

5th position

Is the clerical salary equal in all nationalised banks?


Which of the nationalised Banks is not situated in Maharashtra state?

Dena bank

Which year bank was nationalised?

14 banks in July, 1969 and six more banks were nationalized in 1980

The total number of commercial banks nationalised so far is?

its 20