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A bank draft is a check drawn on a bank's funds. It is used to pay for something as guaranteed funds. Common uses included paying for property and vehicles.

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Q: What would a bank draft be used for?
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What is a bank draft and how does it work?

Bank draft is thesame as a cashier's check. It is a term mostly used in the UK. It is used for large purchases.

What does certified bank draft means?

A Certified Bank Draft refers to a Demand Draft that is signed/certified by an authorized bank official. It means that the Demand Draft is a valid monetary instrument and the money value mentioned in the draft would be paid by the issuing bank to the customer anytime in the near future (3 months before which the Draft expires) and there is no way the bank can refuse payment on it.

What is bank drat?

A Certified Bank Draft refers to a Demand Draft that is signed/certified by an authorized bank official. It means that the Demand Draft is a valid monetary instrument and the money value mentioned in the draft would be paid by the issuing bank to the customer anytime in the near future (3 months before which the Draft expires) and there is no way the bank can refuse payment on it.

How do you get the money from Bank Draft?

how do you the money from the bank draft?

How does a demand draft work?

A Demand Draft is an instrument that is used for exchange of money between two people. It is similar to checks with a small difference. You need pay the amount for which you wish to take a draft, to the bank that is issuing the same. The bank may charge you a fee for creating the draft for you. Once done, the draft is as good as liquid cash. The draft is usually created with a customer as Payee. All that person has to do is, visit the bank that issued the draft and provide a valid ID and encash it and he would be paid the money the draft is worth.

Would a bank draft be required to purchase a home?

A bank draft would be required to purchase a home because it guarantees that you have the money to pay for your purchase and that you have sufficient funds to make your payments.

What is an example sentence with the word bank draft?

A check is a type of bank draft. The Savings and Loan issued a bank draft to cover the amount. They sent a bank draft to the utility company.

What is bank draft?

Bank Draft mean a check drawn by a bank on its own funds in another bank.

What will happen if there is a small mistake in a demand draft?

It depends on what the mistake is. Usually, a draft would not be cashed by any bank if the draft does not have a clear date, payee name and amount along with signature of a certified authority of the issuing bank. If you feel that any of these values are printed/written illegibly or wrongly in the draft you can ask the draft issuing bank to re-issue the draft.

If you bought a car would you want to bring a bank draft with you?

When going to buy a new car, I would not bring a bank draft with me unless I was buying that I wanted to out right pay for and not finance. Otherwise, instead of brining a bank draft to pay for the car, I would have some other means, such as being prepared to finance, in order to purchase the car.

Why would you need to use a bank draft?

You would need a bank draft if you need to make a large purchase and do not have a credit card or that amount of cash. It is also good if you are a seller because there is no risk of a check bouncing.

How long is a bank draft valid?

there is no time frame or a bank draft, it is valid for as long as you have it.