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Try peanut butter.

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Q: What woul be the best bait to catch a mouse in your home?
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What would be the best bait to catch a mouse in your home?

peanut butter. A mouse loves grains. You could also use cheese but it won`t work as good

What is the best way of to get rid of a field mouse?

The best way to get rid of a field mouse is by using traps designed specifically for mice. Place the traps along walls or in areas where the mouse is active, using bait such as peanut butter or chocolate. Once caught, release the mouse far away from your home to prevent it from returning.

Can you catch toxoplasmosis from mouse feces in your home?

You can catch toxoplasmosis from mice feces in your home. Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that pets can carry, especially cats.

what mice bait is most effective?

You can find mice bait at home improvement stores. You will also be able to ask questions to find the best kind for your needs. Make sure to find bait that meets the needs that you need.

How can i get rid of a mouse in my house?

I have recently had a mouse problem. Mouse trap seem to do the trick and make sure you bait them and place them along the wall where the mouse tends to hang out. Also, make sure that you search your home for holes that they may be coming through and fill them with steal wool, mice will not eat through that because it hurts their teeth.

How do you rid your home of a shrew?

If it doesn't work it's way outside your home in a couple days, use rat glue boards or mouse snap traps with the large trigger pedal. bait with a little tuna or something similar.

What is the best affordable home for a mouse?

A cardboard box with some exit holes.

What is mouse trapping?

Mouse trapping refers to the act of setting up traps to catch and eliminate mice that are invading a home or premises. There are various types of mouse traps available, such as snap traps, glue traps, and live traps, which are all designed to capture mice and prevent them from causing damage or spreading disease. It is important to properly set up and maintain traps to effectively control mouse infestations.

What is the best way to kill mice and rats in the home?

The best way to kill mice and rats by using the old fashioned traps. Use chocolate as bait and then wait for the snap. Not for the fainthearted. Peanut butter works really well also.

What is mouse home?

A mouse lives in a hole

Is to a mouse an elegy romantic?

It is not really an elegy as the mouse's home was destroyed and the mouse was not dead.

Is there a humane way to get rid of mice?

keep house clean constantly and sweep daily and dont keep food out overnight or you can buy a humane mouse trap (NOT a cruel one) and put peanut butter or cheese in it (peanut butter works best) and when you catch it take it to an open space and then let it run free. It won't find its way back home.