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Q: What will 100000 dollars be worth in 30 years assuming 2 percent inflation how is this calculated?
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What is the cost per one thousand dollars at 4.25 percent on a 30 year fixed mortgage?

The answer will depend on how frequently the interest is calculated. Assuming the interest is calculated annually, the cost is 59.59 dollars per year. Over the 30 year period, that is equal to 1787.70 dollars per 1000 dollars.

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If you took the annual inflation of 3.32 percent and took $1 from 1980, it would be worth $3.03 in 2014. The total inflation is over 200 percent.

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$250 dollars in 1920 would be $3,082.65 today. The rate of inflation on this amount is 2.71 percent annually.

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3,000 dollars in the year 1980 is equally to 9,115 dollars and 34 cents in 2014. This is because inflation is a little over 3 percent.

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fifty dollars assuming question means percent 100% = $5,000 10% = $500 1% = $50

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I'm assuming it's 8.75 percent. So (8.75/100) times 65.10 = 5.69625, which rounds to 5.70 dollars

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European Banks hold 67 percent of all the mutual funds purchased with US middle class taxpayer dollars to control inflation.

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If compounded and assuming the amount was 3180 dollars, it would be 784 dollars.

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Zimebabwe with an inflation rate of 231 million percent.

Suppose a movie ticket costs 7 dollars and inflation causes tickets to increase 4.5 percent a year for 5 years?

i no help you with ur math hw.

What is 60000 dollars increased by 25 percent?

Multiply 60,000 x 1.25. 1.25 is calculated as 1 + 25/100.