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The Almohads criticized the later Almoravid rulers for moving away from the traditional practice of Islam.

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Q: What was the main disagreement that the Almohads had with the Almoravids?
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The original Almohads and Almoravids were both a part of which group?

Both the original Almohads and Almoravids were Berber dynasties that emerged in North Africa in the 12th century. They were part of the larger Berber groups that inhabited the region during that time.

Who are the north African desert dwellers?

The North Africa desert dwellers were called the Berbers. The Berbers were a group of independent desert and mountain dwellers who converted to Islam. Even today, some states in Northern Africa are still influenced by Islam today. 2 Berber groups that held distinction were the Almoravids and the Almohads. The Almoravids led by a Muslim scholar named Ibn Yasin tried to conquer and spread Islam through their region. After Ibn Yasin' death, the Almoravids took over Morocco and founded their capital Marrakech. They then conquered the African empire of Ghana and parts of southern Spain. They were known as Moors in Spain. The Almohads took over the Almoravids in the 1100's and followed the teachings of Ibn Tumart. They hated the Almoravids for not following Islamic rule. Led by another Muslim man named Abd al-Mumin overthrew the Almoravids and went to control Morocco and expanded their area to Tunis and Tripoli in the Mediterranean to Marrakech which they kept control of. Under the Almohads, the Maghrib region in North Africa was united for the first time for 100 years. In the end, The empire was broken up and separated into individual independent states under different Muslim rules.

While the Abbasids ruled in the east which forces took control of Spain?

The Umayyads were the first (for nearly 300 years), followed by the Taifas, the Almoravids, the Almohads, and the Second Taifas. The Second Taifas survived the Fall of Baghdad and the end of the Abbassids.

Who conquered Morocco in 969?

Uqba ibn Naif conquered the northern part of what is now Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The northern part of Morocco, Fes, was conquered, but the country was Islamized by Idris 1 from what is now Mecca, Saudi Arabia. His son Idriss 11 later expanded the country farther. After the Idrisid dynasty ended after a sucession of rulers, the Berber Almoravids took over Morocco. During the time of the Almoravids, the Almohads started to take power and so on.

Why did the Almoravids attack Ghana?

The Almoravids attacked Ghana in attempt to force its leader to convert to Islam.

When was Tchaka Almoravids born?

Tchaka Almoravids was born on September 7, 1939, in Pensacola, Florida, USA.

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How did Ghana come to an end?

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What effect did the almoravids have on Ghana?

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What group took over Ghana empire?
