Last Traded Price
Market index is increasing with comparison to its closing value at last trading day.
The U.S.Treasury (bond) market will close early at 2 p.m. today. Meanwhile, the equities market will close at its normal time, 4 p.m. on the last day of trading in 2010.
OPEN = is the first transacted price (buyer's & seller's price matched) for a particular issue during the trading day [at or after the opening of trading] HIGH = is the highest transacted price during the trading day. [It is possible this could be the same as the Opening or Closing price] LOW = is the lowest transacted price during the trading day. [It is possible this could be the same as the Opening or Closing price] CLOSE = is the last transacted price during the trading day [at the close of trading]. /NVSJR
"Closing number?" Closing price is the last price that the stock traded before the closing bell. Closing number could be the amount of shares that traded that day? Not quite clear on the question.
Closing price (Last). The final price of JLJ stock for the day.
Last Traded Price.
Last Traded Price
Sunrise/Sunset? Tides? Temperature? Stock exchange? Money Market?
Market index is increasing with comparison to its closing value at last trading day.
last Friday
You can differentiate between the two by saying -- this Friday or last Friday or not last Friday but the Friday before. Last Friday I went to visit Jack. This Friday Jack came to our house. Not last Friday but the Friday before I met Jack at the cafe. If you are talking about Fridays in the future you could say -- Not this Friday but next Friday
last friday night
yes smokey is going to be in last friday