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Q: What type of interest is better to have when applying for a loan?
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Which type of interest is better to have applying for a loan?


Which type of interest is better to have when applying for a loan?


What is the meaning of mortgage refinance?

This type of loan allows homeowners to get a better interest rate by taking out another loan based on the amount of the current loan. This will also tack on a longer amount of time for the home to be paid off, but will give a better rate of interest.

What type of interest is charged on a loan through cash loan lenders?

All lenders charge different interest rates based on credit score and rating, your loan amount, how long the loan period is for, and what you are borrowing for.

What factors affect the home refinance loan rate?

Some of the many factors are: credit score, loan term, loan size, and the type of residence. Obviously, a better credit score is likely to get you a better loan rate. Longer term loans also tend to have a higher interest rate. Larger loans have higher interest rates. The type of residence also impacts the loan rate because some residences are considered more risky than others. For example, a condominium is considered more risky than a single family home. Therefore, a condominium will often have a slightly higher interest rate.

What type of interest is expected on a payday loan?

A payday loan is a very dangerous loan, as it requires an individual to pay an (sometimes) extremely high interest rate. These loans are recommended to be steered clear from.

What kind of interest do small loans have?

There are four main types of small loans. The first type is a payday loan. The interest rates for a payday loan is very high. Usually it is short term so it has a 15-30% interest rate over two weeks. Annually, the interest rate is 390%-700%. You can also get a personal loan from a credit union. The interest is 7%-20%. You can also go to a Pawnbroker for a loan with some personal property as collateral. The interest is 120%-300%. The fourth type of small loan is a credit card loan. This has interest rates from 14%-24%.

What do you mean by advances in banking?

Advances are type of loans given to people, but with no interest on them. The difference between loan & advance is that Loan carry interest while advance do not.

Is an interest only loan a good idea?

The best type of loan that one can get is an interest only loan if they are not able to make large payments for a period of time. However, if one only pays the interest on the loan, the principal itself will never decrease leaving you in debt longer.

Where can I find information about student loan interest rates?

Student loan interest rates tend to vary depending on the type of loan. More information is provided by American Student Assistance, which can be found at

How can you get unsecured loan?

You can get an unsecured loan from many companies that offer loans from the very small amounts, to very large sums. Unsecured means no collateral, so you need not put up an "asset" for the lender to hold to before you are given the loan. Having this type of loan would have to require that you have good credit because the better your credit history, the better your interest rate.

Which loan type requires you to pay the interest you accumulate during school?
