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Q: What two components affect your credit score?
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What two major componet affect your credit score?

The two biggest factors in determining your credit score are Payment History and Amounts owed (Utilization rate).

How to clean up credit report after bankruptcy?

Keep in mind that a bankruptcy will affect your credit score. What you must do now is add good credit e.g. secure credit cards and maybe a secure loan will increase your credit score within 2 years. Your credit scrore primarily judge consumers on what they have done within the last two years. If you add good credit, your score will increase.

How many points does a 6-year-old charge off affect your credit score?

== == The only time your credit score was affected was within the first two years after this time period it no longer affects your credit score, but it is alwaus a good idea to check if the account is over the statue of limitation for your your state.

When two people get married does there credit score become one?

No. Your credit score is always your own. Your spouse's credit does not affect yours (and vice-versa) unless you apply for credit jointly. However, even if you are extended credit jointly, any late payments or defaulted loans appear on each of your credit scores, and affects your credit scores individually.

What is the best credit score a person can get?

The absolute highest credit score you can get is 850. Only one out of every two hundred Americans has a perfect credit score of 850. It is very difficult to obtain a credit score that high.

Does refinancing an auto loan affect your credit score?

the only thing about applying for a new loan that can affect your credit rating is having the credit score done by new companies. if you have a score done by just two companies that's fine but if you have multiple credit checks this lowers your credit rating. so as long as you ran your previous loan well and paid on time, changing shouldn't be a problem, just don't let lots of companies credit check you. choose one and stick if possible. (retired financial advisor)

Can having too many charge accounts or closing extra accounts negatively affect your credit score?

if you have too many open accounts and owes money, it does affect your credit score. your debt ratio is too high, and you will have difficult time applying for any kind of loans. when closing your accounts, and they are paid off. at first, it will lower your credit score, then will incrase following month or two. asian623

If you paid off two credit cards yesterday can you get results on your credit report quickly a mortgage lender mentioned something about a Quick report?

Yes, it is called rapid re-score and it can be done within 72 hours. Make sure you do not close those credit card accounts because it will affect the credit score greatly.

If you trade in your car will your credit score improve and how much?

Absolutely NOT on its own but there are many factors to consider: Trading your car for a new vehicle will payoff the balance to the lender of the old car. This could raise your credit score in the short run because your debt to income will change. Now the type of credit you have is very important and you need at least two installment loans for maximum credit score elevation. Keep in mind that as long as the new vehicle won't cause your debt to income ratio to rise too much or the monthly payments are much higher than your old vehicle, could have a temporary affect on your credit score but not much. To answer your question, for the most part NO! Now if you have been late paying that car loan recently, those payments will stay on your credit and could affect your score for at least two years. If you were on time, it should not affect your score and could raise it a bit.

Will having an 'okay' fico score but two credit cards currently in collections affect your ability to get a home loan?

More likely that anything, it will affect your rates. It certainly won't help matters.

How do cell phone credit checks affect a credit score?

any time your credit is run it can lower your credit score. I see also more 30 day lates reported by these companies and it is impossible to remove them once they are on. I would almost rather get a pre paid.

How do you raise your credit score two points?

You masturbate.