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Q: What ratio of debt to equity maximizes the shareholders interests?
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How can you control your debt ratio and debt to equity ratio?

how to control debt equity ratio

How does corporate finance maximize shareholders wealth?

depends on how you mean finance capital and leverage are two words probably very familiar nowadays, the main ratio to look at is ROE which stands for return on equity this is the measure of how much profits the shareholders are getting for the equity they own, the higher this is the better, normally roe of between 15-20% is considered desirable.

How do you solve for debt ratio with an equity multiplier of 24 and its assets are financed with some combination of long term ad common equity?

Equity multiplier = 24 Equity ratio = 1/3.0 = 0.33 Debt ratio + Equity ratio = 1 ***THIS EQUATION IS THE KEY TO THE ANSWER*** By manipulating this formula you can find Debt ratio = 1 - Equity ration 1 - 0.33 = 0.67 or 67% Debt ratio = 67%

What is the financial definition of the term net of when it is used in such as net of taxes net of special charges net of fees?

Net WorthWhile there is no doubt that the preference shareholders are the owners of the firm, the real owners are the ordinary shareholders who bear all the risk, participate in the management and are entitled to all the profits remaining after all possible claims of preference shareholders are met in full.Thus it can be said that,Average Ordinary Shareholders Equity = Net Worth Of CompanyReturn on Net Worth = Net Profit After Tax - Preference DividendAverage Equity of the Ordinary Shareholders Equity or Net WorthIt is probably the single most important ratio to judge whether the firm has earned satisfactory return for its equity shareholders or not. Its adequacy is judge by8 Comparing with the past records of the same firm8 Inter-firm comparison8 Comparison with the overall industry average

Debt equity ratio tells about what?

debt equity ration

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A firm has a long-term debt-equity ratio of .4 Shareholders equity 1 million. Current assets 200000 and current ratio is 2.0. The only current liabilities are notes payable. Total debt ratio is?

not provided, as the information given does not include the total debt amount.

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If a firms ROA and ROE are equal it can be concluded?

Since ROE = ROA (Equity Multiplier) in order for ROE to equal ROA the equity multiplier must be one. In other words, the total assets to total shareholders' equity ratio must be one.

How do you solve for debt to equity ratio with an equity multiplier of 2.47?

Equity Multiplier = 2.4 Therefore Equity Ratio = 1/EM Equity Ratio = 1/2.4 = 0.42 MEMORIZE this formula: Debt Ratio + Equity Ratio = 1 Therefor Debt Ratio = 1 - Equity Ratio = 1 - 0.42 = 0.58 or 58%

Capital structure leverage ratio?

The capital structure leverage ratio is a measure of a company's financial risk and indicates the proportion of debt in its capital structure. It is calculated by dividing a company's total debt by its equity. A higher leverage ratio suggests that the company has a greater reliance on debt financing, which may increase financial risk but can also provide potential tax advantages and higher returns for equity holders.

What is capitalization ratio?

Capital ratio is like a grade that measures the financial stability of an institution. It tells how well capitalized the company has been.

How can you control your debt ratio and debt to equity ratio?

how to control debt equity ratio

What is the total debt of 1233837 and total assets of 2178990 what is the firms debt to equity ratio?

Debt equity ratio = total debt / total equity debt equity ratio = 1233837 / 2178990 * 100 Debt equity ratio = 56.64%

How does corporate finance maximize shareholders wealth?

depends on how you mean finance capital and leverage are two words probably very familiar nowadays, the main ratio to look at is ROE which stands for return on equity this is the measure of how much profits the shareholders are getting for the equity they own, the higher this is the better, normally roe of between 15-20% is considered desirable.

How do you solve for debt ratio with an equity multiplier of 24 and its assets are financed with some combination of long term ad common equity?

Equity multiplier = 24 Equity ratio = 1/3.0 = 0.33 Debt ratio + Equity ratio = 1 ***THIS EQUATION IS THE KEY TO THE ANSWER*** By manipulating this formula you can find Debt ratio = 1 - Equity ration 1 - 0.33 = 0.67 or 67% Debt ratio = 67%

What is the financial definition of the term net of when it is used in such as net of taxes net of special charges net of fees?

Net WorthWhile there is no doubt that the preference shareholders are the owners of the firm, the real owners are the ordinary shareholders who bear all the risk, participate in the management and are entitled to all the profits remaining after all possible claims of preference shareholders are met in full.Thus it can be said that,Average Ordinary Shareholders Equity = Net Worth Of CompanyReturn on Net Worth = Net Profit After Tax - Preference DividendAverage Equity of the Ordinary Shareholders Equity or Net WorthIt is probably the single most important ratio to judge whether the firm has earned satisfactory return for its equity shareholders or not. Its adequacy is judge by8 Comparing with the past records of the same firm8 Inter-firm comparison8 Comparison with the overall industry average

What is the debt ratio is total assets are 136000 equity is 31000 current liability is 24000 and total liabilities are 105000?

Debt to Equity ratio =Total liabilities / equity Debt to equity ratio = 105000 / 31000 = 3.387