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Q: What may cause an organisation to end up holading excess stock?
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Which of these reasons was most likely the single cause of the stock market crash?

margin requirement

Advantages of share buy back?

Advantages of share buy backs include Increased Shareholder Value, higher stock prices, increased float, excess cash and lowering tax bill.

Define treasury stock and explain why a corporation would purchase its own stock?

Treasury StockCommon stock that has been repurchased by the company and held in the company's treasury. These shares don't pay dividends, have no voting rights, and are not part of the total number of shares outstanding, although they are still counted as part of shares issued.See also "Stock Repurchase".Outstanding stock, purchased by the corporation, is known as treasury stock.The reasons as to why corporations buy back their outstanding stock include:☺to increase earnings per share and return on equity☺to provide tax efficient distributions of excess cash to shareholders☺to provide stock for employee stock compensation contracts☺to thwart takeover attempts☺to create or improve the market for the stock^_^

What is MM's in stock trading discussions?

MM = Market Maker Guys who can dump, cause the panic and buy back at lows or vice-versa.

What is shareholder's surplus?

Capital surplus is a term that frequently appears as a balance sheet item as a component of shareholders' equity. Capital surplus is used to account for that amount which a firm raises in excess of the par value (nominal value) of the shares (common stock).

Related questions

How do you deal with excess stock?

One approach is to offer promotions to move excess stock, such as discounts or bundle deals. Additionally, you could consider donating the excess stock to charity for a tax write-off. Another option is to repurpose the excess stock into new products or find alternative markets to sell it.

How excess stock is managed in your workplace?

how excess stock is mange in your workplace

Is Dhaka Stock Exchange a profitable organisation?

Yes, it is

The main cause of the US's Great Depression?

The most popular belief of the cause of the Great Depression is the stock market crash of 1929. Economist still debate about the other causes. Excess speculation in the stock markets added to the causes of the depression.

Which situation best illustrate the concept excess demand?

Currently, due to rumors of gun control legislation, there is an excess demand for high capacity magazines. You can see the results of excess demand by searching for high capacity magazines for sale. Every venue that offers them for sale has nothing in stock. Places that do have them in stock are asking extraordinary prices for them. Therefore, the example of excess demand of high capacity magazines illustrates that excess demand causes scarcity of product and inflation of price. Conversely, excess supply will likely cause decreased prices.

What is the Accounting Journal Entry for Excess Inventory Reserve?

you take it in the closing stock .. it means that you have already added with in closing stock .. therefore you are closing stock reduce ... so excess stock entry will be made directly for the purpose of balance sheet. you are give this effect on it stock sheet only..

Meaning of attic stock?

Attic stock is excess construction material held to allow for repairs.

What is the main reason an organisation has a procedure for stock control?

so they do not get ripped off

Capital paid in excess of par common stock?

Capital amount paid for excess of par value of common stock is called "Share premium amount" which is also part of capital of business.

What are different forms of business organisation?

sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock companies sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock companies

The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed what?


What did farmers do with excess milk that they could not afford to transport?

use it for pesonal use or stock it