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the man from the bank slept with the other man and the bank closed down.

the end

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Q: What led to the Wall Street Crash of 1929?
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Related questions

What was other names for the stock market crash?

It was known as the Crash of '29, Black Thursday, Black Monday, Black Tuesday.The nickname for the stock market crash is called Black Tuesday. This led to the Great Depression and happened in 1929.

How can you use the term Great Depression in a sentence?

The Wall Street stock market crash in 1929 led to the Great Depression of the 1930s.

What happened during the wall street crash?

The Wall Street Crash of 1929 is known as being the worst stock market crash in the history of the United States. This crash led to the Great Depression which saw US unemployment rise to 25 percent and international trade dropped more than 50 percent.

Wall Street Crash?

The 1929 slump on the stock market in New York. People lost a lot of money and it led to the Great Depression of the 1930s

Why were the 1930s called the devil's decade?

It was a period of financial difficulty caused by the 1929 Wall Street Crash that led to a global depression. Britain had an economic decline

What happend in 1929 that made Americans think that the American dream was dead?

The Wall Street crash, when stock prices fell dramatically. this led to the Great Depression which lasted many years

Did the wall street stock market collapse of 1929 led to the great depression?


Explain how the wall street crash led to the great depression?

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Why does Senator Bernie Sanders blame Wall Street for the 2008 economic crash?

Bernie Sanders blames Wall Street for the 2008 Economic Crash because Wall Street initiated many of the policies that led to the crash, most notably the creation of mortgage-backed securities and other complex financial instruments that had inflated values.

What were the social consequences of the wall street crash?

When wall street crashed in 1929 it was a loss of billions of dollars which had a huge negative impact on the economy. The rich lost money, but so did the middle class people who could not afford the loss. People lost their jobs, businesses went bankrupt, and thousands of people committed suicide. This eventually led to the great depression in 1932.

What crash led up to the great depression?

Though there were smaller underlying causes, the big crash would be the Stock Market crash of 1929.

What social influences or conditions led Germany to war?

Sudden unemployment following the Wall Street crash of 1929. Lots of ex-soldiers, hungry and with nothing to do, feeling let down, and ready to listen to Hitler telling them that they hadn't been defeated, only stabbed in the back. This led to Hitler's rise to power, and then to his demand for 'lebensraum', invading Czechoslovakia and Poland, which brought declarations of war by Britain and France.