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Apple, Microsoft, or if its based in Detroit, then Linux

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Q: What kind of operating system would a large candy manufacturer most likely use?
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If you were a candy manufacturer which costing system should you use full absorption costing or variable costing?

full absorption costing

Does Candy Connections sell pop rocks candy?

read it was discontinued by manufacturer.

When was the cow tail candy invented?

Cow tail candy was invented in 1924. The candy was originally sold in the Midwest. The candy manufacturer was purchased by Mars candy in 1940.

Who is the Manufacturer of the candy bar Kitkat?

Nestle, I think

Is it possible to make pepper into cotton candy?

No, not unless a manufacturer of Cotton Candy made a special batch of pepper cotton candy sugar for you.

How long does comatose candy stay in your system?

Comatose Candy does not show in your system.

What does equally likely mean?

equally likely means as likely as the other side ex: 1 piece of candy on this side,1 piece of candy on that side

How can I go about presenting a new candy idea to a major candy manufacturer?

Hersheys, Jelly Beans, Wonka, and Nestle are few of many major candy companies. You can check their websites for more information on suggesting candy ideas.

Is candy healthy yes it is very healthy for your immune system?

Yes candy is very healthy for your immune system.

Where is the candy Swedish fish made?

Actually, it was Sweden by a manufacturer named Malaco in the year 1958

What is the first candy made?

Answermost likely dried honey or chocolate made by the Egyptians

Will there be a candy island on poptropica?

Not likely but it could happen