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Q: What is wire enamel?
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What is the thickness of enamel on magnet wire?

aprox 10% of the diameter of the wire

What is a style of enamel work when different colours are separated by wire?


What is the difference between enamel insulated wire and paper insulated wire?

Paper insulated wire is coated with DuPont's NOMEX Paper wrap which can withstand temperature over 200 degrees centigrate. Enamel insulation usually is coated over aluminum wire and shipped from 3rd world countries to put in our houses because housing contractors don't care if your house burns down. bottom line is money, enamel is cheaper.

Can uninsulated wire be used in place of enamel wire?

Depends on what you are using it for:short point to point connection - yes, usually but be careful to avoid shortscoil winding - NO NO NO, the coil will be completely shortedgeneral wiring - NO NO NO, use hookup wire instead as the enamel is too fragile

What is characteristics of wire?

A wire has to be made of a conducting metal such as copper or aluminium, and it has to be thick enough to carry the required amount of electric current. Wire is often given an enamel coating to insulate it Wires are often stranded which gives flexibility.

Does spray enamel work good on metal?

Enamel is of the most durable paints available. Metals is one of the most durable available. Therefore, painting metal with enamel, will result in a very durable object, regardless of what the object is. Things used in painting with enamel. Sand Paper Wire Brush Sink or garden hose Old newspapers or drop cloth Solvent or acid Rags Old toothbrush or paintbrush if you have crevices in your metal object Spray paint primer Spray paint enamel.

Too much fluoride can result in?

fluoride toxicity, enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, and mottled enamel

What do you call the white covering of the tooth?

It is called the enamel. It's the most external layer of a tooth and the hardest substance in the body.

The outside of your tooth is called enamel?

it is called enamel. so the answer is true It is called enamel

What element is needed for strong enamel?

Tooth enamel, calcium. Nail enamel, Biotin.

Do dogs have an enamel?

The thickness of the enamel of dogs was measured in the teeth of the animal. The enamel was found to be thinner than that of human teeth, varying in thickness from 0.1mm-1mm. The "enamel bulge" coronal to the cemento-enamel junction does not consist of a thickened area of enamel.

Is magnet wire is electricity conductive?

the word magnet wire serves two definitions. One is a thin type of wire coated in thin insulation. Another is a thin piece of magnetic iron wire that was once used the same way as a video/sound cassette. electromagnets were used to polarize sections of the wire. However both types of wire are conductive. (the enamel o the magnet wire must be stripped away, however)