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Trade creditors are the person's who lend for business or stock market. There are also weekly and daily loans in India.

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Q: What is trade creditors?
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Difference between trade creditors and other creditors?

A trade creditor is usually someone who supplies you with core products. For example if you are a builder then your trade creditors supply your building materials, fuel for you truck, tools, etc. A sundry creditor is the company that supplies other items like the water cooler in the office, or the company that sold you the window blinds.

What is the difference between trade creditors and trade debtors?

Trade creditors are suppliers who Êare allow by a Êbusiness to acquire products , and receive the payment for those products on a later date. On the other hand, trade debtors are Êpeople or organisations or are allowed to buy products from a business and make payment on a later date

Can the bank tell your tenants your personal information about your loan?

No, your creditors, even your potential creditors are prevented by Consumer Trade laws from discussing your information with anyone not specifically authorized by you.

What are Trade Creditors?

Trade Debtors or Sundary debtors or accounts receivable is the person(s) to whom you sold goods on credit and agreed to receive payment in future.

What does it mean if you see an increase in trade creditors from the previous year on the balance sheet?

More use of cash for teh business.

Who are the user of accounting report?

They are called stakeholders. Includes: 1) Management 2) Consumer 3) Competitors 4) Creditors (Trade & non-trade) 5) Governments 6) Trade Unions 7) Employees These are the common ones.

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Trade Creditors Accrued expenses Prov. for annual leave Prov. for taxation Income in advance

Examples of creditors ledger and a creditors journal?

creditors journal

What is the difference between trade receivables and creditors?

Trade receivable is that amount which is receivable from customers to whom company sold goods on credit while credits are those from whom company purchased goods on credit.

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Can creditors account have debit balance?

creditors have debit balances as advances receive from creditors..........

What does a creditors clerk do?

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