The main role of an investment agency is to assist companies with business expansions. It can offer advice and information regarding international investments.
The role of a mutual fund is to provide avenues of investment for the normal investor who does not have the expertise or the time to have a direct investment in the stock marketbut at the same time wants to gain exposure to the stock market for its high return potential.
The return on investment formula:ROI=(Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment)/Cost of Investment.
The role of a Financial Service Representative is to help sell investment products to the institution's clients. A Financial Representative role consists of financial planning advice and the sale of financial products. Depending on what Company you work for a Financial Representatives responsibilities may vary.
"Net investment" deducts depreciation from gross investment. Net fixed investment is the value of the net increase in the capital stock per year.
The main role of an investment agency is to assist companies with business expansions. It can offer advice and information regarding international investments.
investment banking is one of the major sectors in pakistan its major role is to provide the funds for investments and items also become the partner of those who wants to makes the havey investments
the role of the caribcan is to promote trade,investment and provide industrial cooperation
The role of a mutual fund is to provide avenues of investment for the normal investor who does not have the expertise or the time to have a direct investment in the stock marketbut at the same time wants to gain exposure to the stock market for its high return potential.
basically the role of oversease is raising the gdp of a certain nation this point is worth noting which is unlukily ignored
consumer-provide labor and investment producer-provide individual goods government-provide public goods
Investment Banks are involved in the primary market by facilitating IPO's. IPO stands for Initial Public Offering. It is the process by which a company issues shares to the public to raise capital for their operational expenses or for expansion purposes. The investment banks help the company in completing the IPO process.
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The return on investment formula:ROI=(Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment)/Cost of Investment.
Insurance plays a very significant role in the economic development of Nigeria. With the insurance covers, more people are able to take the risk on investment which greatly boosts the economy.
1 contribute for the gnp increament throug investment participation 2 allivate poverty 3 strength the economy