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Q: What is the role of RBI in forex?
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Is paazee forex trading India private ltd approved by rbi?

I dont know whether its approved by RBI but its a genuine company giving hanfull returns from the last two yeras.

Is spaek Asia on line a genuine company according RBI rules?

RBI looks only into the legality of company... But from few reports, RBI is checking Speak Asia's bank see if they have not broken any rule as per FEMA.

What is the role of rbi in banking?

government securities

What is the role of SBI in RBI?

State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest nationalized bank in India but it does not perform any role when it comes to Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The RBI is an independent entity that takes policy decisions with respect to Banking in India and SBI along with all other banks in India have to adhere to the guidelines set up by RBI.

Discuss the role of RBI in money market?

to keep liquidity in financial markets

THE role of forex market in the strengthening of local currency and its impact of economic development?

Forex market is no way different from stock market in terms of impact on economy of that magnitude.

Why did RBI have to change its role from controller to facilitator of financial sector in India during 1991?

It is in tune with the policy of the government. Even now the role of the RBI has not changed from controller of the entities it regulates. What has changed is the policies of reserve bank of India which are based on terms of liberalisation proposed by the government,

What 's the role of RBI in multi state credit cooperative society act 2002?


Who was the Rbi's first governor?

Sir Osborne smith was the first RBI governor but the first Indian rbi governor was C.D.Deshmukh who was the third rbi governor

How do banks function?

Banks play a vital role to keep the flow of money in the economy in a controlled manner following the guidelines of RBI.


the RBI is situated in New Delhi

Is it 7 RBI or 7 RBI's?

Formally, since RBI stands for "runs batted in" it should be "seven RBI". However, in virtually universal usage, RBI is treated as a singular noun and therefore seven of them would be "seven RBIs".