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- Securitization changes the basic role of financial intermediaries. Traditionally, financial intermediaries have pooled funds from investors loaned to firms in their place. - Securitization has enabled firms to offer these functions in the form of a security, in which case, the focus shifts to the more essential function i.e. distributing a financial product. (For example, in the above case, the bank, being the earlier intermediary, was eliminated, and instead the services of an investment banker were sought to distribute a debenture issue.) - Securitization seeks to eliminate fund based financial intermediaries for fee based distributors. (In the above example, the bank was a fund based intermediary, a reservoir of funds, whereas the investment banker was a fee based intermediary, a catalyst, a pipeline of funds. Hence, with the increasing trend towards securitization, the role of fee based financial services has been brought into the focus.) - In case of a direct loan, the lending bank was performing several intermediation functions as noted above. It was distributor, in the sense that it raised its own finances from a large number of small investors. It was appraising and assessing the credit risks in extending the corporate loan, and having extended it, it was managing the same. - Securitization splits each of these intermediary functions apart, each to be performed by separate specialized agencies. The distribution function will be performed by the investment bank, appraisal function by a credit rating agency, and management function, possibly by a mutual fund which manages the portfolio of security investments by the investors. Hence, securitization replaces fund based services with several fee based services. This is mainly from

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Q: What is the relationship between securitizatioln and the role of financial intermediaries inthe economy. What happen to financial intermediaries as securitization progresses?
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Can you just make one extra mortgage payment a year?

Yes, but it would be better if you can divided the extra payment into each mortgage payment through the year instead of waiting until the end of the year to make one extra payment because you will be lowering the principal as the year progresses which lowers the interest accrued.

What is stock?

Closing Stock is a representation of the primary stock level at the end of the accounting period or month. These are usually within national territories only.

On page 3 of Fannie Mae Form 1003 section VII Details of Transaction line E estimated prepaid items can someone give an overview of these cost?

PrePaid costs are those items which are required to be paid at closing, yet are not considered a closing cost. These normally include: Days of Interest, Property Taxes, and Hazard Insurance. Most mortgages are paid in arrears, meaning that when you have a payment due on the 1st of the month, you are actually paying the principal, interest, taxes and insurance for the previous month. Therefore, a closing that occurs on the last day of the month, the 31st, would only have one day of pre-paid interest expense. A closing on the 15th of the month, would have the number of days from the 15th to the end of the month, and the 15th would be included in that count.Property taxes and hazard insurance (homeowners insurance) are much the same. A lender will pay the taxes and insurance from an escrow account in most instances. If a borrower pays their own taxes and insurance, then there will be no prepaid item for these costs. A lender must have 12 months of payments upon the first of the month when that bill for taxes or insurance is due and payable. Therefore, they will collect enough prepaid charges at the time of closing to assure that this will be achieved, based on the number of months of payments will be made prior to the time those payments are due to your city, county, state, or insurance carrier. In addition, they will add 2 or 3 months payments to provide a comfort level that this money will be available. This is permissable by law, and protects the lenders from those who miss payments, are late, etc.These costs on this particular line of the application are actually transferred from the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and are identified in more detail there. They will change as the loan process progresses, since the day of closing, the month when payments for taxes and insurance are due, and the actual amounts owed for taxes and insurance are determined.

What is loan amount with payment of 326.50 for 36 months?

WITHOUT KNOWING the interest rate, and whether the interest is simple or compounded, and how often the latter is applied, it is IMPOSSIBLE to answer the question. As the interest rate, the type of interest and how often it is applied is NOT given, the answer cannot be given. All I can give you is a formula for you to work it out yourself: A loan will usually be charged at compound interest compounded every month. Let L = amount of Loan Let r = monthly rate (see below) Let p = payment per month The rate r is not quite the specified APR. The APR is given as a percentage: APR = apr% = apr/100 Assume that no repayments are made. Then interest is added onto the interest. and the amount to pay will increase by L × apr/100 → total to pay = L + L × apr/100 = L(1 + apr/100) → Annual rate = 1 + apr/100 Now assuming no payments are made for 12 periods with a period percentage rate of ppr% → amount to pay = L(1 + ppr/100)×(1 + ppr/100)×...×(1 + ppr/100) = L(1 + ppr/100)¹² The rate for one of the periods is the 12th root of the rate to get the interest added after 12 periods. If the period is a month, then 12 monthly periods = 1 year → the monthly rate is the 12th root of the annual rate → monthly rate (r) = (1 + apr/100)^(1/12) Then: After 1 month, the amount remaining to pay is Lr - p After 2 months, the amount remaining to pay is (Lr - p)r - p = Lr² - p(r + 1) After 3 months, the amount remaining to pay is (Lr² - p(r + 1))r - p = Lr³ - p(r² + r + 1) After n months, the amount remaining to pay is Lrⁿ - p(rⁿ⁻¹ + rⁿ⁻² + ... + r + 1) rⁿ⁻¹ + rⁿ⁻² + ... + r + 1 is a GP with sum = (rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) → amount to pay after n months = Lrⁿ - p(rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) If the loan is paid off after n months, then the monthly payment can be calculated: 0 = Lrⁿ - p(rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) → p(rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) = Lrⁿ → p = Lrⁿ(r - 1)/(rⁿ - 1) Similarly, The Loan amount can be calculated: 0 = Lrⁿ - p(rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) → Lrⁿ = p(rⁿ - 1)/(r - 1) → L = p(rⁿ - 1)/(rⁿ(r - 1)) It is up to you to insert the relevant figures for p and r (calculated from APR). ---------------------------------------------------------------- If it is simple interest applied for the full period, then: r is calculated slightly differently: As the interest is only dependent upon the number of periods: Interest = L × apr/100 × number of years The monthly rate is 1/12 the annual rate as simple interest assumes the same amount added per period and 1 year = 12 monthly periods This gives: amount to repay = L(1 + apr/100 × n/12) = pn → L = pn/(1 + n × apr/1200) where apr = annual percentage rate L = loan p = monthly payment n = number of months. --------------------------------------------------------------- Of note is that when I financed the purchase of my car, they calculated the monthly payment based on simple interest, ie they added simple interest for the period of the loan and then divided this by the number of months By doing this the compounded APR (the "representative APR" given to allow comparison with other loans available) is higher than the simple APR as the simple APR ignores the fact that part of the monthly payments are repaying part of the loan and so not the whole loan is borrowed for the whole period; the proportion of the monthly repayment that is the loan increases as the time progresses towards the end of the loan period. An interest only mortgage works in a similar way to simple interest - your monthly payments are lower as you are only paying back the interest accrued each month. At the end of the mortgage period you have the find the capital to pay off the WHOLE of the value loaned from somewhere: this led to endowment mortgages where you paid interest only to the mortgage provider and also paid some money into a fund that you hoped would gain enough interest to have enough in the pot to cover the whole of the mortgage loaned (with some extra). If the fund did not perform as well as expected, you would end up with a deficit in your pot you would need to find from somewhere.

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