The return on investment formula:ROI=(Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment)/Cost of Investment.
NNN is a stock which is owned by National Retail Properties Inc., which is an investment trust. NNN is an example of the sort of single tenant retail properties that National Retail Properties Inc. invest in.
In banking terms, the abbreviation RBC stands for Risk Based Capital. The term is used to describe a policy that has both a chance to lose a part of the investment and a chance to substantially increase the initial capital.
The proper abbreviation for kilohertz is kHz.
The proper abbreviation for Sunday is Sun.
The proper abbreviation for extension is "ext."
The proper abbreviation for Registered Chemist is RCh.
There is no proper abbreviation for the word global. It is often symbolized by a letter G in acronyms. As far as an abbreviation goes, many people use Gl., but this is in no way a proper abbreviation.
The accepted abbreviation is Depr.
there is no abbreviation
The proper abbreviation for the word "confirmed" is "conf."
In a crossword puzzle, it could be IRA
Mr. is the abbreviation for the proper noun Mister, a title. Proper nouns are always capitalized, as well as the abbreviation for a proper noun.