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Q: What is the measurement in a lot of land?
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What is the measurement of land to determine lot sizes and boundaries?

Land is typically measured in square feet, acres, or hectares to determine lot sizes and boundaries. This measurement helps establish the area of the land and its specific boundaries to ensure accurate property ownership and legal descriptions. Land surveys are often conducted to precisely measure and define lot sizes and boundaries.

A division of land is called what?

A tract of land when divided become a subdivision. Another term involving the division of land would be "partition". The following terms are some that describe the measurement of land: acre, hectare, section, parcel, lot, etc.

How do you figure acres in a triangle?

The acre is a measurement used to quantify large areas such as tracts of land. If you haveÊa triangular lot, you need to know the base and height dimensions of the lot to figure its acreage.

What is the measurement ha?

Hectare - a land area measurement of about 2.5 acres.

How big is a lot of land?

A lot is not typically a unit of measurement, it refers to a specific piece of land of any size which can be sold in an individual contract. A lot can potentially be any size. However, in the Caribbean, a lot of land is typically referred to a parcel of land that is 5000 sq ft in horizontal (planar) area. In this way a 'plot' or parcel of land is any portion of land that is referred to and can be of any size, but a lot of land represents 5000sq ft of horizontal land space. Horizontal land space is referenced since in areas where lands are developed along sloping hillsides, the land area bounded as though it was horizontally flat and not taken as the sloping area.

What is the measurement abbreviation ha?

Hectare - a land area measurement of about 2.5 acres.

What is the measurement of an acre of land in feet?


What is the definition of geometry?

It means land or earth measurement.

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What is the Kentucky's land like?

The land in Kentucky is much like the land in Tennessee. This land has a lot of trees and a lot of hills.

What is the ancient Tamil unit of measurement for measuring land?


What is the deffinition of geomentry?

Geometry means land or earth measurement