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well, about 3. 1 for the title, 1 for the sub-headings/sub-title and 1 for the actual writing.

Generally, if you want to maintain a professional quality to your slide you should only use one font on a slide, and generally, through your entire presentation. You can use different sizes of that font, or italicize or bold it, but you should limit it one font. You should not have every size font you can, try to limit it to about 3 sizes, as specified above.

If you do need to use multiple fonts, you may want to try to stay in a font family, since those families of fonts have generally been put together because they work well together.

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How do you use an eftpos machine?

you slide the card in and pick from check savings or credit and either pin number or sign... pretty simple hope it helped :)

When to pay on a credit card?

slide it up your as

What is avalability?

An avalance is sorta like a land slide but happen with snow.Like you know in catoon a character scream in a snowy mountain? After that a snow slide come down.That is the avalance.

Why are pictures important in presentations?

Think for a second before you read on. 1. To make your presentation look better 2. To break the monotony of text heavy slides 3. Because you like a particular image so you want to put it 4. Because it helps you explain the message better 5. To add humor into the presentation 6. Because you should use images in presentations 7. Because everybody else does it An image is a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface (source). Every slide has a story and every slide should talk about one thing. Given this background, what is the role of an image in your slide? To make it easier for the audience to get the key message. The image along with your text and speech conveys the message clearly and powerfully.

How does a credit card work?

The magnetic strip holds the number on the front of the card hundreds of times. You slide it and then the computer uses a satellite or other network to complete the transaction. You have an account of money that you have to pay back when billed for using the card when you dont have the money pocket handy.

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How many numbers of fonts could be used in a slide?

Anywhere from 24-30

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maximum 12 slides shoulb be... use only keywords... dont write as explanations... first slide should contain name and topic..

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Use New Times Roman.

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The master slide is used as a template of what will appear on all of the slides. The master slide could contain things like a background that will be used on all slides, or a company logo. The master slide is also where you can edit the fonts that will be used throughout the presentation, and any other layout settings.

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